The Limited Times

The myth of the lazy French

4/6/2023, 5:21:24 PM

SEEN FROM ELSEWHERE – Protests against pension reform in France are intensifying. And in Germany, a cliché is spreading: the French do not like to work and rebel as soon as they are asked to do more. The reality, however, is more nuanced — and unflattering for Germany.

French President Emmanuel Macron wants the French to work longer and retire later.

His reform, like all similar projects in the past, sparked massive protests across the country.

If many Germans observe what is happening in their neighbors with incomprehension, it should be known that many assertions of the debate are in fact much more nuanced.

To discover

  • LIVE – Disturbances, extent of the mobilization: follow the eleventh day of strikes and demonstrations against the pension reform

A retirement at 62 against 67

Statement 1: the French retire at the latest at 62, while the Germans must work until 67

It is totally false.

In France, retirement at age 67 is already officially in force.

Only those who have contributed for 41.5 years can retire earlier.

What will change: in the future, it will be necessary to justify 43 years of career to be able to retire earlier.

Read alsoThe retirement age in France is one of the lowest in Europe

Workers who are under 21 at the start of their career and who contribute for 43 years will be able to retire earlier.


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