The Limited Times

War of polls in the City: what the last 5 studies say about the fight that reveals Macri and Larreta

4/10/2023, 3:59:17 PM

They evaluated the PASO scenarios for Head of Government. The Jorge Macri-Lousteau bid and the Quirós factor.

If the decision to separate the presidential elections from those of the Head of Government in the City meant a victory for

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta


Mauricio Macri

, who together with

Patricia Bullrich


María Eugenia Vidal

proposed unified elections, the polls that measure for the local election can bring some calm to the former president.

Within an open and uncertain scenario,

Jorge Macri

, promoted by his founding cousin of the PRO, leads in four of the last five polls that were released.

The works that


agreed to are from various consultancies: from

Federico González



, more linked to Peronism/progressivism, to




, which measure (among others) for the City Government;



, which tends to circulate in sectors of the left.

The five evaluated

PASO hypotheses

, mentioning only the Buenos Aires candidates.

That is to say, in these measurements,

there is no "drag effect"

, as would have happened in unified elections, with a long sheet list that starts with the presidential formula and ends with the Buenos Aires community members.

The four in which Jorge Macri wins

The Minister of Government of the City, who left the mayor of Vicente López in 2021 precisely to try to succeed Larreta in CABA,

leads in the polls of

Federico González, CB, Circuitos y Tendencias.

Jorge Macri


two parallel fights

: on the one hand,

he seeks to be the sole candidate of the PRO

, a bid that basically pits him against the Minister of Health,

Fernán Quirós


And, on the other, he aspires to prevail in the Juntos por el Cambio internship, where his main rival is the radical

Martín Lousteau

, an ally of Larreta and who demanded separate votes.

The prize is just around the corner: it is discounted that whoever prevails in that STEP will be the next mayor of the City.

In Federico González

's survey


Jorge Macri has 19.5%, against 13% for Lousteau and 7% for Quirós


The total of JvC (with Ricardo López Murphy, Roberto García Moritán and Soledad Acuña relegated) remains at 49.7%.

That of


is much

more even

, almost a triple technical tie between

Jorge Macri (18.3%), Lousteau (17.2%) and Quirós (16.6%)


Total JxC (with Acuña), 53.1%.




Jorge Macri takes a broader light on Lousteau (23.4% to 18.3%)



completes the podium , third but far, with



If Acuña is added

, JvC ends up at 49.5%


And in the study of


, finally, Jorge Macri (20.5%), Fernán Quirós (14.6%) and Lousteau (11.7%)

are staggered


Total JxC 46.8%


Those of the Front of All is clearly leaner: in the four studies it is around 20/24 points, always with the deputy Leandro Santoro above Matías Lammens or Mariano Recalde or other candidates when they are added.

And in the case of the


, here you can see how

without Javier Milei on the ballot

, his candidate

Ramiro Marra

achieved an interesting third place, but far from the numbers of the leader of La Libertad Avanza.

The legislator oscillates

between 7 and 13 points


The only one in which Lousteau wins

The radical senator prevails in the poll by


, a pollster linked to the UCR and which measures for Larreta.

This poll, carried out by


, makes the Macri uncomfortable, not only because the economist leads, but also because Quirós ends up very close to Jorge Macri.

With these numbers:

Lousteau 19.4%, Jorge Macri 17.1% and Quirós 15.8%


When the numbers of García Moritán and Acuña are added, JxC reaches 55.3%.

In the Frente de Todos and the libertarians, the logic of previous studies is repeated. 

look also

Separate elections in CABA: who wins and who loses with the controversial decision of Horacio Rodríguez Larreta

New electoral survey: striking triple tie and strong impact by the departure of Mauricio Macri