The Limited Times

The vitamin that improves skin health and makes it look younger

4/14/2023, 9:00:39 PM

This antioxidant vitamin, essential for collagen production, is also good for hair and nails. There is a natural way to improve skin health and look younger , and that is to incorporate a special vitamin into your daily diet . With antioxidant properties, it helps protect the body against free radicals, and it has been shown that in addition to taking care of the skin, it provides benefits for hair and nails. It is an essential vitamin for the production of collagen , which is "the most a

There is a natural way to improve

skin health and look younger , and that is to incorporate a

special vitamin

into your daily diet


With antioxidant properties, it helps protect the body against free radicals, and it has been shown that in addition to taking care of the skin, it provides benefits for hair and nails.

It is an essential vitamin for the

production of collagen

, which is "the most abundant protein in the human body: it is present in hair, skin, nails, the digestive system, muscles, joints, cartilage, ligaments, teeth, gums," they explain in the

Body and Mind

site .

It also helps protect skin cells from

damage caused by ultraviolet light from the sun

and provides elasticity.

It is essential to protect skin cells from damage caused by ultraviolet light from the sun.

Benefits of Vitamin E for skin health

The nutrient in question that helps you look younger is

vitamin E,

a fat-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in maintaining skin health, able to help reduce

the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

It is key to maintaining healthy skin, as it helps protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals.


free radicals

are "unstable molecules that can damage skin cells and are an important factor that contributes to the aging process of the skin," summarizes 

MedlinePlus, the National Library of Medicine of the United States.

Nails also benefit from this vitamin.

Vitamin E is also important for hair health.

Vitamin E for hair and nails

In addition to its anti-aging properties, vitamin E is also important for

hair health

, as it helps keep your hair shafts strong and prevents them from breaking.

On the other hand, it helps protect nails from damage and keeps them looking healthy.

What foods contain vitamin E

Vitamin E is found in a variety of foods, including

sunflower seeds and oil, nuts, corn oil, spinach, broccoli, kiwi, mango, and green leafy vegetables.

Green leafy vegetables have vitamin E. Photo Shuttestock.

In general, consuming foods rich in this vitamin is usually enough to maintain skin health.

Kiwi, a fruit rich in vitamin E.

"Sebum, the oily secretions produced by the sebaceous glands, is the way in which vitamin E is transported to the skin after being consumed orally through food or supplements," explains the Alyaka portal of beauty


. organic and natural online.

What side effects can excess Vitamin E cause?

It should be noted that it can also be found in the form of dietary supplements.

In this case, as before making any decision, it is always

essential to consult a dermatologist or nutritionist

about the steps to follow.

Although the intake of vitamin E is generally safe, in rare cases it can cause any of these discomforts that

the Mayo Clinic

lists : 

Colic and diarrhea are side effects of excess vitamin E.

  • Nausea

  • Diarrhea

  • intestinal colic

  • Fatigue

  • Weakness

  • Headache

  • Blurry vision

  • Acne

  • gonadal dysfunction

  • Increased concentration of creatine in the urine (creatinuria)

Raising alarm bells as there is concern that people in poor health who take high doses of vitamin E are at greater risk of death.

Skin rash, another side effect.

Photo Shutterstock.

Vitamin E deficiency problems

A vitamin E deficiency can occur in people who have certain

conditions that affect fat absorption

, such as Crohn's disease, cystic fibrosis, and liver disease.

Another case is in premature babies and people who cannot absorb fat properly.

Symptoms of a vitamin E deficiency can include

anemia, nerve problems, and vision problems

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