The Limited Times

Murder in Nanterre: a man found dead on a platform of the RER A

5/2/2023, 5:21:10 PM

INFO LE FIGARO – The body of the victim showed “traces of cuts at the level of the head”. Investigations are underway for "intentional homicide".

On Monday May 1, around 2 p.m., a woman alerted the services of the RATP concerning "

a form that could be a body

" located on the platforms of the RER A and in the direction of Rueil, in Nanterre-Ville, in the Hauts-de-France. -Seine, learned

Le Figaro

from a police source.

Around 5 p.m., the police arrived at the scene.

They then discovered lying "

on the edge of the tracks, 150 meters from the platforms

" the body of a lifeless man, tells us the parquet floor of Nanterre.

The body showed "

traces of cuts at the level of the head

" as well as "

several sharp wounds at the level of the upper lip, the thigh, the right knee and a large dermabrasion on the right flank

", adds the police source.

A mobile phone and a Navigo Pass were found on the victim.

The victim is a man in his forties.

He was born in Algeria.

He was illegal and homeless.

An investigation for "voluntary homicide", entrusted to the sub-directorate of the judicial police (SDPJ) of Nanterre, was opened by the Nanterre prosecutor's office.

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