The Limited Times

Money, children, key steps… Advice from a psychologist and a lawyer for a successful divorce

5/3/2023, 2:04:08 PM

ADVICE - A divorce is often a tidal wave in life. To avoid getting carried away by the wave, psychologist Marie-Estelle Dupont and Me Benjamin Compin, a lawyer specializing in family law, share their advice.

Divorce, “it knows it”, jokes Rosalie.

The sprightly sexagenarian suffered three before finding the man of her life, whom she categorically refuses to marry.

Scalded cat… A running gag between them.

It must be said that in France, around 46% of marriages end in divorce today, according to INSEE.

If more than half are pronounced by mutual consent (according to the latest data listed by the institute), divorce remains a fracture from which it is sometimes difficult to emerge unscathed.

“Procedures, I have experienced easy and thorny ones, says Rosalie.

I learned from my mistakes and I especially learned that when it comes to divorce, if there is no universal rule, there are still ways to avoid the worst.

Starting with surrounding yourself with external advisers,

Read alsoThe seven traits common to all people who divorce

First action: wait

“Before entering the action, it is urgent…

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