The Limited Times

"A big stupidity": after a rodeo in a shopping center near Nantes, he will serve his sentence at home

5/9/2023, 6:56:09 PM

Highlights: Matisse T. was tried this Tuesday in immediate appearance in Nantes, after rodeos carried out in a shopping center a few days ago in Orvault. If he has avoided prison, he will have to wear an electronic bracelet for twelve months. Friday, April 21, three individuals had entered the E. Leclerc Orvaults Grand Val shopping center, near Nantes. Matisse T., 20, resident of Couëron, was sentenced to twelve months imprisonment which will be done at home by electronic bracelet.

Matisse T. was tried this Tuesday in immediate appearance in Nantes, after rodeos carried out in a shopping center a few days ago in Orvault. If he has avoided prison, he will have to wear an electronic bracelet for twelve months.

Le Figaro Nantes

The video had made the rounds on social networks. Friday, April 21, three individuals had entered the E. Leclerc Orvault Grand Val shopping center, near Nantes, in scooters and motocross, causing the stupor of traders and customers. On May 4, one of the actors in this scene was placed in custody before being tried in immediate appearance on Tuesday, May 9. At the end of a hearing of just over an hour, Matisse T., 20, resident of Couëron, was sentenced to twelve months imprisonment which will be done at home by electronic bracelet.


I am satisfied with what was required, 21 months in total with detention. Finally, he does not sleep in prison tonight, it is a big satisfaction, "responded his lawyer Tran, defense lawyer, at the end of the hearing.

Incarcerated in pre-trial detention for four days, the young man born in 2002 appeared at the bar, under escort, dressed in a jogging and a burgundy jacket, concealing a T-shirt adorned with a PSG logo. Tried for driving an unapproved vehicle compromising the safety of users of the center, but also on bus lanes, without gloves or helmet, the public prosecutor had also decided to judge him for a history of drug use and trafficking dating back to 2021.

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Spotted thanks to the video surveillance of a gas station


It was stupidity, it's the group effect," the passionate motorcycle rider explained to the president about the rodeo. Several videos helped investigators from the urban rodeo unit of the Nantes Departmental Directorate of Public Security (DDSP) to find him. He did not give the names of his acolytes for fear of reprisals. The yellow motocross he was riding has not been found but helped identify him through the use of video surveillance images from a Total service station, where he had bought fuel by credit card.


There is no particular reason. I realized that it was a big stupidity, "reiterated Matisse T., asked by the president about the motivations that led him to enter the shopping mall. He assures that he was not inspired by other similar facts produced by individuals from other regions, especially in Isère.

Asked by his lawyer about the speed at which he was circulating in the gallery of Leclerc, the young adult says: "I stayed in first, we drove at pace". "We went into the alley, we did not hurt anyone fortunately," he continues about the passage of 45 seconds in the center.

142 operations to combat rodeos around Nantes in 2023


I want to recall that it only takes one or two seconds to hurt someone, "said the prosecutor, describing a "phenomenon of national magnitude very worrying" that can have very serious consequences. He recalled that in 2022, 399 operations to combat rodeos were conducted in the Nantes region, and already 142 since the beginning of the year, or "colossal means". The representative of the State requested 18 months' imprisonment with continued detention at the risk of repetition of the facts, with a revocation of the three-month suspended sentence, for the one who was convicted of traffic offenses in the past, and was currently under probation and judicial control.

The lawyer Me Tran, on the contrary, pleaded for a sentence adjustment, evoking "a file that did not deserve the excitement that we have made for several weeks," castigating the national media. He defended a cooperating young man, who immediately admitted the facts, both in the case of narcotics and in the driving of motocross. After pointing out that his client, treated for his addictions, only occasionally used drugs, he also highlighted his professional career. Holder of a CAP in automotive mechanics, Matisse T. now works as an interim truck mechanic, with potentially a contract to come thanks to benevolent trainers.

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Arguments that obviously touched the judges. Matisse T. came out free, with ten months of imprisonment and a revocation of his probationary suspension in progress for two months, or twelve months to be served at home via an electronic bracelet. He also received two fines of 100 euros, and two of 150 euros, and was not allowed to appear in the shopping mall for two years. He also does not have to reimburse the more than 7000 € that the Leclerc shopping center had claimed, as an additional expense related to a parking surveillance mission for the months of May and June.

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