The Limited Times

'For a Turkish democracy'

5/12/2023, 6:16:14 PM

Highlights: In Turkey, for the first time in twenty years, Recep Tayyip Erdogan is downgraded from the first to the second category. At the end of a particularly brutal campaign, he seems slightly ahead in the polls by a rival who seems to be his negative in every way. In the event of a close result on Sunday night, there is every reason to fear a second round with knives drawn until May 28. The contrast could not be greater between the president with his aggressive Islamo-nationalism and the "Alevi Gandhi" who campaigns from his kitchen.

A defeat of Erdogan in the presidential election would have effects beyond the country's borders.

Electoral suspense, when autocrats submit to the polls, is all or nothing: either there is none, or it goes to the point of knowing whether the incumbent will accept defeat. In Turkey, for the first time in twenty years, Recep Tayyip Erdogan is downgraded from the first to the second category. At the end of a particularly brutal campaign, he seems slightly ahead in the polls by a rival who seems to be his negative in every way, Kemal Kiliçdaroglu. In the event of a close result on Sunday night, there is every reason to fear a second round with knives drawn until May 28.

The contrast could not be greater between the president with his aggressive Islamo-nationalism and the "Alevi Gandhi" who campaigns from his kitchen promising a "prosperous, peaceful and joyful" future. The game is certainly not played, because the former holds in his hands all the power of the State, which he will not hesitate to use if we come to the arbitration of the Commission ...

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