The Limited Times

I will rule you forever

5/13/2023, 11:26:34 PM

Highlights: Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, alias Miss Inflation, recovered inflation for Argentina after 15 years of losing it. The Supreme Court has just stopped in San Juan and Tucumán: staying in power forever. The trick is to make strange interpretations of the constitutions with the endorsement of the provincial courts that are usually made up of cousins, friends or associates of the governors. The last time the Supreme Court stopped the reform was prior to the first term and therefore should not be counted as an excuse.

What is behind the obsession with power and what is the real bottom of the matter? Simple. It is the immortal phrase of Yabran: Power is impunity.

What else but congratulating them can be done with a government that achieves 8.4% monthly inflation? Nothing. Just surrender to the evidence.

We are one step away from getting the world inflation championship and we cannot be petty. This has been a real teamwork, like the Scaloneta but in reverse. At the risk of seeming ungrateful and forgetting some, it is important to remember them all. Alberto as "president"; Guzmán, Batakis and Massa in Economics; Cafiero, Manzur and Rossi as cabinet chiefs; Wado De Pedro as Minister of the Interior and Leader of the Opposition; Arroyo, Zabaleta and Tolosa Paz in Social Development, Pesce at the head of the Central Bank machine, Volnovich in the PAMI, Raverta in the ANSES, countless hierarchs of La Cámpora squandering talent everywhere and, especially, the different secretaries of commerce, responsible for controlling prices. Paula Español, who brought inflation to 3% per month, then Roberto Feletti who nailed it to 6% and now Tombolini and Señora who have just delighted us with this beautiful 8.4% with the promise of much more.

All this under the supervision of Kicillof and Maximo, humble at the time of the flashes so as not to eclipse the rest of the team, but tireless as bishops of the general director and commander in chief of the inflationary process: Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, alias Miss Inflation.

After all, it was she who in 2007 recovered inflation for Argentina after 15 years of losing it.

Should we also thank Gabriela Cerruti? A lot. Although she has nothing to do with the management of the economy, she has the merit of putting her face every morning to say that things are going very well, that we are growing, that employment is being generated and that inflation is a problem that is being worked on and that will soon be solved. The fact that she is the person they send to say it is irrefutable proof that these people suck an egg everything.

Conclusion: it is evident that the government does not care about anything. They pretend that the problem torments them when, in reality, it is obvious that their concerns are different, as we can see on a daily basis.

What are they really interested in? What are the real concerns of the government and its surroundings? Here we come to the point. This is precisely what the Supreme Court has just stopped in San Juan and Tucumán: staying in power forever. A as of place.

Manzur intended to go for his fifth term in a row (twice vice, twice governor and now vice again) while Uñac wanted the fourth in a row (once vice, twice governor and now he was looking for another one). Obviously, both Manzur and Uñac are penalties from all angles in which they repeat the play. Even Gioja, who was governor of San Juan twice and then reformed the Constitution of his province to access a third consecutive term, that is, a quick in these matters, declared: "Uñac knew that he could not be a candidate, we told him in all languages."

The trick is to make strange interpretations of the constitutions with the endorsement of the provincial courts that are usually made up of cousins, friends or associates of the governors. How can we not indulge a brother of life?

Is this new? Let's remember the Saadi in Catamarca or, better yet, the Rodríguez Saá in San Luis where they have governed since 1983 with the only interruption of a boy named Poggi who in 2011 was around, the doorman was careless and sat in the governor's office until 2015. Apart from this, Adolfo Rodríguez Saá had five consecutive terms and his brother Alberto is going for the fourth.

Not to mention Menem in La Rioja or Juárez in Santiago del Estero. In this case, when Néstor Kirchner got tired of the mandates of Juárez (the first had started in 1949 and the last in 1999), he decided to intervene the province, remove the old tyrant and put a younger one: Gerardo Zamora, who assumed his first term in 2005 and at the touch reformed the provincial Constitution to enable a second term in 2009. As the idea of leaving power in 2013 distressed him greatly, his psychologist encouraged him to run for a third term that was expressly prohibited by the Santiago constitution. The excuse was that the first term was prior to the reform and therefore should not be counted. The Supreme Court of the Nation stopped the car and the guy, to avoid the anguish of the plains, postulated his wife who governed until he could return in 2017. They have been governing together for 18 happy years.

Many years before, Zamora's plan had already been attempted by Carlos Menem. After reforming the National Constitution in 1994 to enable a second term (the first was 1989/1995 and the second 1995/1999), when in 1999 he realized that the was over and he had to return to Anillaco, he came out with the story that the first term did not count because it was prior to the reform.

The Turk could not impose his idea nor did he have a wife available to put in his place, as Zamora would later do, since Menem was separated from Zulema. If the idea was to nominate his new wife, he would have had to establish one-month mandates to be able to fulfill all the mines he had. It didn't work.

None of these natos came up with the simplest solution that exists to solve this obsession with power: reform the constitutions to enable indefinite re-elections and stay forever as Insfrán did in Formosa, Kirchner in Santa Cruz or Stalin in Russia.

This is the real and only concern of all these people. That is why Massa talks about the PASO instead of explaining what he is going to do with the 8.4% or that Peronism as a bloc claims the candidacy of Cristina instead of working day and night in this economic catastrophe that they themselves have caused. Or that the mayor of Ensenada, Mario Secco, has said that if Cristina is convicted, they will all fly in pieces, or that the governor of La Rioja Quintela has warned that the media that receive official guidelines must "respect" him while at his side Alberto applauded him happily as if they were signaling a 2016 Corolla. It was Grabois who declared that if the opposition wins he will go to the resistance until they leave by helicopter and it was Larroque who tweeted "Peronism or national dissolution." The list of power warriors is endless. Nobody cares about inflation or the economy or insecurity or the people or anything. Just the cheese.

The idea of eternal cheese is shielded in the postulates of Ernesto Laclau, who was the main ideologue of the Kirchners. The guy wrote that Latin American democracies require indefinite re-elections to guarantee revolutionary processes. Even accepting that Massa and Tombolini are part of some revolutionary process, the idea is lethal for democracy but also a boomerang for those who postulate it. With the same tool, for example, Milei could stay forever.

What is behind the ideological excuse and what is the real substance of the matter? Simple. It is the immortal phrase of Yabran: "Power is impunity." That is why they set up the Frente de Todos and joined characters as disparate as Cristina, Massa, Moyano and so many mayors of the suburbs. They all have one problem in common: the patrolman.

In 2015 several were left out in the open judicially, an experience they are not willing to live again. In 2019 they came together to return to power. From what was seen this week, it would seem that the idea is to keep it anyway. If it's for the good ones, better. If not also.

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