The Limited Times

"Seeks to strengthen NTA": Senior Transportation Ministry official opposes Regev's position | Israel Hayom

5/16/2023, 7:27:31 PM

Highlights: Transportation Minister Miri Regev wants to transfer the metro project from NTA due to delays in opening the Tel Aviv Light Rail's Red Line. Now, a senior official in her office is coming to the defense of the company, which has been criticized by the minister. "There is a large gap in expectations between the Ministry of Transport, the public and the media, and there is disappointment," says the official. "New technologies have been introduced, the state underestimated the complexity", he adds.

The minister wants to transfer the metro project, one of the largest infrastructure projects in the history of the state, from the responsibility of NTA • Regev accuses the company of misconduct that led to the delay in the opening of the Red Line • Now the ministry's regulator in the field of railways defends the company and explains the delay: "New technologies have been introduced, the state underestimated the complexity"

Embarrassment to the minister: Transportation Minister Miri Regev wants to transfer the metro project from NTA due to delays in opening the Tel Aviv Light Rail's Red Line. Now, a senior official in her office is coming to the defense of the company, which has been criticized by the minister.

Elias Matar, head of the Railways Department at the Ministry of Transport and the regulator on behalf of the Ministry of Transport, stood by NTA on Tuesday, contrary to the minister's position on the State Audit Committee. "There is a large gap in expectations between the Ministry of Transport, the public and the media, and there is disappointment," says the cry, explaining the reason for the delay: "It should be clarified – in the world of railways, new and sophisticated systems have entered the world over the past twenty years, elements whose integration was not taken into account. It is a worldwide phenomenon that such projects have significant postponements. Regarding the red line, the state did not appreciate the complexity, the combination of underground and superior systems, and how to integrate almost 7-8 independent entities under one government company."

Senior Transportation Ministry Official Speaks Out Against Minister Regev's Position | Knesset Channel

The official concluded his remarks by complimenting the government company, which is in conflict with the minister: "It is true that there is a delay and delay with us, but we must understand that hard work has been done and is being done. I would like to commend NTA for its work."

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