The Limited Times

George Soros sold Tesla shares - Musk launches antisemitic attack | Israel Hayom

5/16/2023, 7:07:08 PM

Highlights: Musk is the creator of the X-Men comic book series. He is also the founder of the electric car company Tesla. He has been accused of being anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim. He says he is not anti-Islam, but anti-American. He also says he wants to make the world a better place for all people, not just the rich and powerful. He wants to stop the spread of anti-Semitism in the U.S., which he says is a threat to his business.

After comparing Jewish billionaire George Soro to supervillain Magneto trying to harm humanity, the Anti-Defamation League came out with a strong condemnation "This will energize extremists who already believe in conspiracy theories," the league's CEO said

Elon Musk has once again caused a stir after launching a harsh tweet attack against one of the world's most famous Jews, George Soros – one of the most significant philanthropists on the liberal left – and even compared him to the Jewish supervillain Magneto from the X-Men comic book series because he "wants to erode the social fabric of humanity."

While Musk hasn't explained the reason for the attack, the timing may have something to do with the fact that Soros's investment company announced over the weekend that it was selling all its shares in Tesla, the self-driving vehicle company where Musk is CEO and with whom he is identified more than almost anything else.

Musk's attack did not mention the Jewish origins of the Holocaust survivor who fled Hungary as a teenager, but it was clear from the wording that it would resonate with right-wing extremists who often attack him and make conspiratorial accusations about an attempt to take over the world on behalf of the left.

In the X-Men comic book series, Magneto fights against humanity in order to replace humans with mutant creatures. In later versions of the series, Magneto is a Jewish Holocaust survivor. "He reminds me of Magneto," Musk tweeted Monday morning, prompting a wave of further attacks on Soros by extremists, including some who accused him of wanting to flood the Western world with refugees.

When one of the tweeters, commentator Brian Kersenstein, tried to come to Soros' defense, Musk replied: "You guess he has good intentions, but he doesn't. He wants to damage the social fabric of civilization. He hates humanity." The ADL's executive director backed Soros, saying, "Soros is often attacked on the far right using antisemitic language." And now that Musk is inflamed by comparing him to a Jewish supervillain, it's dangerous, and it will only spur extremists who already believe in anti-Semitic theories and have already used them to attack Soros and the Jewish community."

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