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Just before the budget is approved, Bitan accuses: "The government is not doing its job regarding the war on the cost of living" | Israel Hayom

5/22/2023, 8:28:48 AM

Highlights: Likud MK David Bitan says the government is not doing enough to fight the cost of living. "We will not give up if the government does not do it with us," he says. Likud chairman Moshe Gafni says he will donate some clothes to Noa Kohn, the head of the Knesset's budget committee. "She deserves it," he adds, "even though I didn't learn about her." "We are not going to give up on the fight against the costs of living," says Gafnis. "It is our duty to do it"

The Likud MK criticized his colleagues in the government, who he claimed were not doing enough about the cost of living • "We will fight it if the government does not do it with us"

MK David Bitan spoke Monday morning from the Knesset podium and criticized his colleagues in the government who, he claimed, are not doing enough about the cost of living.

In a discussion on the budget, Bitan said, "If the Ministry of Finance and government ministries think that the Economy Committee will work for them, they are mistaken. They need to work for us on fighting the cost of living. We will not give up.

Cabinet meeting (archive), photo: Olivier Fitoussi/Haaretz

"As of today, in the government and in the treasury, not only now, not only this government and also the previous government are not doing the proper job in the war against the cost of living, we intend to help them do this and not be good children or they will help us or we will do things in a different and independent way."

Bitan added, "They keep saying 'separation of powers,' I want to emphasize to the government that there is a Knesset and it will do the slave 'bye hawk and bye kook.' We will fight the cost of living if the government doesn't do it with us and it would be better if it did it with us."

Meanwhile, Degel HaTorah Chairman MK Moshe Gafni spoke out against Noa Kirel at the start of the budget discussions on Monday: "My daughter also deserves a budget, even though she didn't learn about Noa Kirel. By the way, I would donate some clothes to her."

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