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PSG: goalkeeper Sergio Rico hospitalized in serious condition after an accident

5/28/2023, 12:20:29 PM

Highlights: Paris Saint-Germain goalkeeper Sergio Rico is hospitalized in Sevilla. Witnesses on the spot indicate that he was hit by a horse during a family outing. Spanish media had initially presented a version according to which Rico had fallen from his horse, which his entourage denies. The Spaniard is currently reportedly undergoing tests at the Virgen del Rocio Hospital in Seville, his hometown and where he made his professional debut. His family is reportedly awaiting a diagnosis from doctors, but his condition is described as serious.

Paris Saint-Germain goalkeeper Sergio Rico is currently hospitalized in Sevilla. His entourage did not want to communicate more information

Substitute goalkeeper for Paris Saint-Germain, Sergio Rico is currently in hospital in serious condition after being the victim of an accident. First released in the Spanish press, the news was confirmed by PSG, as well as by his entourage. If the circumstances of the accident still seem unclear, witnesses on the spot indicate that he was hit by a horse during a family outing.

The Spanish media had initially presented a version according to which Rico had fallen from his horse, which his entourage denies. The Spaniard is currently reportedly undergoing tests at the Virgen del Rocio Hospital in Seville, his hometown and where he made his professional debut. His family is reportedly awaiting a diagnosis from doctors, but his condition is described as serious.

Arrived at Paris Saint-Germain in 2019 on loan, then permanently transferred in 2020, Rico, 29, has played 13 games with the capital team since his debut. This Saturday, he was still on the bench in Strasbourg. He was able to participate in the celebration of the eleventh title in Ligue 1 of his club, which left Alsace for a draw (1-1).

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