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Smotrich vs. Herzog: "A leftist can't be an honest mediator" - Walla! news

6/20/2023, 5:46:25 AM

Highlights: Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich lashed out at Israeli President Isaac Herzog on Tuesday morning. He said: "Reminds you that the president published his outline unilaterally, he is one hundred percent aligned with the left" The minister added: "I thought that entering the talks at the president's residence is wrong and democratic, there is a Knesset. The opposition did not come there in advance, except to dissolve the reform, and its goal is to continue the chaos in the streets"

After the president blamed the coalition for freezing talks on the legal revolution, the finance minister claimed that he was dishonest. According to the head of the Religious Zionist party, the opposition came to the talks to "dissolve the reform and topple the right-wing government."

In the video: Herzog: The alternative to dialogue on the legal revolution is grave and dangerous (Herzliya Conference at Reichman University)

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich lashed out at Israeli President Isaac Herzog on Tuesday morning. In an interview with the "Eight Zero Zero" program on the ultra-Orthodox radio station Kol Barama, he said: "Reminds you that the president published his outline unilaterally, he is one hundred percent aligned with the left. The president is a leftist, unfortunately he can't be an honest mediator."

Smotrich criticized Herzog for standing alongside opposition leaders Yair Lapid and Benny Gantz yesterday. The minister added: "I thought that entering the talks at the president's residence is wrong and democratic, there is a Knesset. The very fact that they removed the debate from parliament is an undemocratic decision. At the same time, we came with clean hands but discovered that there was no partner. The opposition did not come there in advance, except to dissolve the reform, and its goal is to continue the chaos in the streets in order to topple the right-wing government."

  • news
  • Political-Political


  • Bezalel Smotrich
  • Isaac Herzog
  • The Legal Revolution

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