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Upside Down, Ehud, Upside Down: Barak Should Recalculate Route | Israel Hayom

6/28/2023, 6:37:46 PM

Highlights: Barak and his representatives in the Knesset must understand: This is not the time to ignite, but to call for reconciliation. The research on the Talmud Torah "Morasha" reminded me of the teacher who abused me. And why I was happy when my daughters played a camel and a flower in an end-of-year play. An escalation in the demonstrations will only tear the nation apart, and it is enough that we need every ounce of solidarity with what is happening in the territories.

Barak and his representatives in the Knesset must understand: This is not the time to ignite, but to call for reconciliation • The research on the Talmud Torah "Morasha" reminded me of the teacher who abused me • And why I was happy when my daughters played a camel and a flower in an end-of-year play

Ehud Barak apparently envied Wagner Force commander Prigozhin, and he and his representatives in the Knesset were threatening to set the country on fire. Absolute madness. And I say - upside down, popular, upside down. Think original, surprise. Igniting will not succeed, and will deepen the disintegration of Israeli society to the point from which it is not certain that we will be able to rise. It's time to cool, connect, reconcile.

Listen, Ehud, since the court expressed dissatisfaction with the quality of the evidence in Case 4000, there is no real reason for all this mess. I agree with you – Bibi is a particularly bad prime minister this term, and he is corrupt to the bone, regardless of what the court says. But he was elected, and no protest or conflagration will remove him from office now. An escalation in the demonstrations will only tear the nation apart, and it is enough that we need every ounce of solidarity with what is happening in the territories, in Arab society, in Russia, in America, in Mars. We don't have the resources for civil wars.

At the moment, the legal impediment to a joint meeting with the Likud, which has embarked on an unbearable alliance with people who, in the test of results, cannot maintain functioning government ministries. Therefore, with all the difficulty and lack of trust, the opposition must make a difficult but useful decision. To enter in place of all the misfortunes that destroy every good part of the country and try to restore proper conduct to at least a few government ministries. Your call for rebellion is irresponsible and tainted by fiery personal resentment, which is not the public arena.

Perhaps, Ehud, you will follow in the footsteps of Mark Zuckerberg, who called Elon Musk to come wrestle with him in a formidable MMA fight? We will close the Nokia Arena for you, fill with an enthusiastic crowd and see what two retired fighters know how to do. You're with a hamstring in the left corner, he's with a cigar in the right, and come on, beatings. Let's fight until someone surrenders, and in this the bad blood between you will be forever settled. I promise you that this will be the most talked-about event in the history of the State of Israel. If you are such a man, do not send the demonstrators week after week to disturb public order, go out on your own to the last battle of your life. We'll see you.

Netanyahu's government will not fall because of demonstrations and civil disobedience. It will only make her stronger. Netanyahu's government will fall because it has no vision, zero values, very few capabilities. The problem is that by the time she falls, she will knock us all down with her. Therefore, it must be strengthened from within at this time, replacing the incompetent extremists with moderates and experienced ones. The prime minister will only be replaced by elections. In Israel, Wagner is still being boycotted.

Illustration: Yehuda Noni,


It is with a broken heart that I read Yifat Erlich's important article last week here in Shabbat about what happened in the Morasha Talmud Torah, the flagship of the ultra-Orthodox public. What violence by teachers and rabbis, what ugly sadism of those in authority, and what psychological damage to the students who carry the scars of serious injuries to this day.

I empathized. I was also kidnapped at the school where I studied, Carmeli in Jerusalem, by the teacher D.K., whose full name I do not mention out of respect for her being a Holocaust survivor and certainly a post-traumatic stress disorder survivor. Although she was an old teacher, she used a lot of violence against her students in grades 1-3, and I was a constant target of her attacks because of my attention disorder, which was unclear to her and required strict treatment.

What did I do to deserve it? Mostly I painted ugly, uninvested, overlapping, obligatory paintings. It drove her crazy. Whenever she saw that I had once again decorated the diary with a curly green line with purple dots on either side, a parable would have a branch and flowers all around, and I didn't bother to draw something more graceful, the ruler would be pulled out, and my knuckles would snap.

She also hated how I drew people, a circle, a line, two lines for my hands, two for my legs, and that's it, and forbade me to draw people. When I painted anyway, she pulled out my ear hard. She is the person who scratched my soul the most in early childhood, and she is the one who made me feel damaged, unworthy, criminal. She took an innocent and kind boy and turned him into a frightened little man, looking for someone to protect him from the provocation of the government.

D.K. is long gone, and she cannot be confronted. But the teachers and rabbis from Morasha are with us, and their denial of their actions in Yifat Erlich's article is disgraceful. All but one, Rabbi Shimon Mann, who accepted responsibility, said he has been in the process of teshuva for 20 years and asks anyone who was hurt by him to get in touch so they can apologize and make amends.

It's an educational figure, it's a leader. All the others, cowardly serial perpetrators, denied their students' memories and only deepened the trauma, which has not been confirmed even after all these years. And between me and myself, I wonder if the extremism of part of the ultra-Orthodox stream today does not stem from the big hole that has opened at the bottom of the flagship of this education, which drowned the innocence of the boys and made some of them unnecessarily difficult and meticulous. Just a thought. I'll beat myself up for thinking of her in the ruler on my fingers.


The girls go to a drama class. Love it. And here comes the end of the year, and the production of the final play is excited about us. Two months of evening rehearsals. A folder with all the texts under a swimmer's house, they go back and forth with a secret countenance and stumble on their faces. Introducing "One Thousand and One Nights". And no, you never know what their function is. It's a secret.

Last week the long-awaited evening arrived, we bought tickets, dressed nicely, came to see the wonders of Arab countries on such a special evening. And the show is really beautiful, and the setting is stunning, and the kids are talented, and our girls aren't on stage yet, surely warming up to their great roles.

And half a show passes, and I've had enough of other people's children, and suddenly it happens. A camel guest crosses the stage, and my daughter - here she is! Camel!! A large hump camel, among seven other camels, crawls on all fours from one end of the stage to the other, chewing with great movements as the camel chewed its food. And the guest will pass, and so will the daughter. And is not.

And more time passes, and other people's children play the king who never sleeps, and the beautiful Scheherazade, and the cunning market traders and viziers, and there is no trace of the girls. And suddenly - here is the second one! Standing on the stage, a large flower in her hand, waving it from here to there and back. Waving, and a little more, and here you go down, and disappear.

And that's it. And the show goes on and on, and finally ends after we see very talented kids whose talents we care less about, and the girls go up to bow, and we cheer, but feel a bit lacking in a fulfilling experience. What were the rehearsals about? And the shuttle? And the excitement?

And I think about it, and decide to see the whole thing at stake. Because my daughters often come with me to the morning show, and do the routine with me in front of the cameras, and participate in demonstrating various objects in the gadget corner, and they have hours of screen time that they didn't work to get, and only because their father is there do they get the reward.

And here they learn that no matter how famous their father is, they will have to pave their own path, from below, from a flower and a camel, and no one cares what their last name is, and that's a good thing, so that if they achieve anything in their lives it will be theirs, and not the fruit of protection or spoiling preference. And hopefully next year they will be promoted to the rank of a potted plant and a cat. And then they will conquer the world. Bottom.

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