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Facing the Abyss of Ehud Barak and Benjamin Netanyahu | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Israel is being dragged by politicians who lack compass and conscience. Despite the cheers of Netanyahu's supporters, Milchan's testimony tightens the conviction in Case 1000. At the same time, the incompetence in the face of Barak's campaign of incitement becomes clearer. And how to combine Judaism with the zeitgeist? Netanyahu's statement this week in the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that he wants to preserve and preserve the Palestinian Authority is the ideological difference between him and Ehud Barak.

Israel is being dragged by politicians who lack compass and conscience • Despite the cheers of Netanyahu's supporters, Milchan's testimony tightens the conviction in Case 1000 • At the same time, the incompetence in the face of Barak's campaign of incitement becomes clearer • And how to combine Judaism with the zeitgeist

Between the sense of disgust that arises from the Arnon Milchan investigation and the sense of terror that arises from the revolt that Ehud Barak is trying to lead, it is difficult to find the state balance point, certainly the truth and the national leadership. From both extremes, it became clear this week how important it is to keep Benjamin Netanyahu out of public life, while at the same time prosecuting Ehud Barak and his co-conspirators, fearlessly and impartially. Because in the middle is a nation that is being dragged by those who have lost their compass and conscience. In denial, in spin, with herds of blind supporters, we are all dragged to the depths.

In the jumble of misleading information, it is difficult to maintain the path of understanding, but we will try, and start with Netanyahu's legal situation. His judges' statement about the bribery charge in Case 4000 is indeed rare at this stage of the trial, when judges imply what is called "not guilty" — an acquittal without defense witnesses. But despite the cheers of Netanyahu's supporters, there still remains a serious breach of trust clause in this case as well – a flash case, not to mention the tightening of the tie in Case 1000.

Milchan on his second day of testimony // Archive photo

The content of Arnon Milchan's disgusting testimony in itself, including defense attorney Hadad's devotion to the bear hug and the forced embrace with Sarah, only illustrate the true nature of the Milchan-Netanyahu relationship – bribery and bribery. They demonstrate the extent to which the bribery clause was put into the wrong file. Milchan, unlike Hadas Klein, squirms like a worm because of his personal risk. In any case, the sweeping approval that Boss Milchan gave to Klein's testimony seemingly closes the circle on the fraud and breach of trust clause, and that is enough to close Netanyahu.

On the other hand, it didn't take Roni Alsheikh's worrying statement this week to know that red lines had been crossed in the pursuit of the Likud leader. What we know about the Nir Hefetz investigation and laundering of Hadas Steif's criminal acts was enough to understand everything. Led by Shai Nitzan, the gatekeepers have become the gatekeepers.

Netanyahu at the plenum. The situation actually got complicated, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Lightning. Who will hold him accountable?, Photo: Herzi Shapira

The excessive adherence to Netanyahu's files is particularly sharp in the face of the extreme laxity of the authorities in light of the extreme and brazen violations of the law by the protest leaders. Especially of the gang of conspirators led by Barak. This is a grave suspicion of sedition and incitement to insubordination, with the senior instigators receiving strange immunity. Only this week, after a reasoned complaint I submitted to the legal adviser on behalf of senior reserve officers, most of them pilots, alongside Likud complaints, it was reported that an "investigation" had been launched, not even an investigation.

A stain on the settlement

It is depressing to be exposed to the rampage of the avengers in Samaria. Beyond the impropriety of harming innocent people, this is a stupid act that tarnishes the settlements and diverts attention from the bloodthirsty terror of the Palestinians.

The abundance of expressions of folly emanating from the coalition is also saddening, and obscures the great justice that lies on the side of those who revolt against the incompetence of the system. After all, the heads of the security establishment, together with the prime ministers, are establishing Gaza/Lebanon 2 for us in Samaria, out of cowardice and adherence to the suicidal concept of Oslo. Notice Netanyahu's statement this week in the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that he wants to preserve and strengthen the Palestinian Authority. What is the ideological difference between him and Ehud Barak? Nothing.

But the intensity of the rage and condemnation of the dozens or hundreds of avengers in Samaria is outrageous, given the stoic calm in the face of Druze violence – those who are running amok for no justifiable reason, and have even tried to occupy a police station. They receive VIP treatment from the authorities and the media, similar to the rampant protesters – road blockers and rioters in front of ministers and Knesset members.

At the same time, it is depressing to witness the false debate surrounding legislation to reduce the cause of reasonableness. Although the wording on the agenda is too sweeping, anyone who claims that this will crush democracy is either an ignorant person who understands nothing, or a liar who deliberately rebels the public. The legal system in the State of Israel functioned well even before the wholesale and improper use of the grounds of reasonableness, which began in the days of Aharon Barak. The narrowing of the approach to the seizure of Supreme Court Justice Noam Solberg and former President Moshe Landoy will only strengthen democracy.

Milchan's twists and turns illustrate the bribery and biased relationship with Netanyahu. They show the extent to which the bribery clause was put in the wrong file. And when the police and Shin Bet rage against the avengers in Samaria, tolerance continues for those who preach rebellion

In contrast, the campaign of government corruption in the coalition is renewed in full force. From Aryeh Deri's Chief Rabbinate games to Dudi Amsalem's appointment maneuvers, the playground of the ultra-Orthodox privileged and corrupt Likud is with us again. Thus in the middle, facing two filthy sides, stands most of the Israeli public. There is a thirst for the path and honest Zionist leadership, but these have run out of our political system.

Restoring the Zionist Canopy

For years I have expressed frustration after visiting the weddings of friends and acquaintances. I usually come out more and more pessimistic about what is reflected in them, especially from wedding ceremonies that express distress and loss of national path.

At the weddings of my secular friends, it has been difficult to find, in recent years, the traditional Jewish-national ceremony. The justified rejection of the Rabbinate and the religious establishment, who were kidnapped by the ultra-Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox, drove most of the public out of contact with the Rabbinate. Therefore, they do not register for marriage and do not turn to the rabbi, and invent a kind of alternative code for Judaism, which is usually ridiculous and grotesque. Even worse, it cuts the already tenuous ties of many with the Jewish chain of generations and the attachment to our national glue.

On the other hand, most routine Jewish weddings have an alienated and outdated ceremony, in which the bride is still purchased by the groom, in which an anonymous rabbi mumbles lines that do not speak to most of those present, missing the sense of embrace and prodigy of the new connection.

Against this background, I have written more than once about the new path to be paved, which merges Judaism with the zeitgeist. In inclusion, in equality, in embrace. The same new formula, which is required in all relations between religion and nationality within the Israeli public.

How happy I was to discover this connection on Friday a week ago, at the wedding of my eldest daughter, Ella, with grace, her choice. The wedding was held together by a mehadrin Orthodox rabbi and his wife – the Rebbetzin, if you will – who is a psychologist by profession. It was a Jewish wedding, even legally registered by the Tzohar rabbis, but there were critical additions. From a ketubah with an egalitarian agreement to blessings that were even sung in the chuppah, even by one of the blessings. It was a welcoming ceremony, connecting then and now, all those present.

In recent years, it has been difficult to find the Jewish-national ceremony at secular weddings. The rejection from the religious establishment drove most of the public out of contact with the Rabbinate. That is why a grotesque codex is sometimes invented, which cuts the chain of generations

In the audience were secular and religious, leftists and rightists, settlers from Judea and Samaria and careerists from Tel Aviv, family circles of friends who reflect the entire Jewish people, and even Arab friends. And the reactions, from all sides, illustrated how much the newlyweds hit the target - connected them all.

This week there was a confrontation in the government, when Itamar Ben-Gvir tried to fight the joint front of Aryeh Deri and Bezalel Smotrich, who promote further Harediization in the appointment of rabbis and the provision of religious services. It's a shame that they didn't come to learn something from Ella and Chen's wedding, something that will help preserve the people of Israel and not smash them to pieces.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-06-29

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