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Fitness trainer who trained for "Ninja Israel" was injured - and compensated with thousands of shekels | Israel Hayom

7/3/2023, 8:20:13 AM

Highlights: The woman, in her 40s, fell from a training facility on an improper mattress and injured her knee. The case ended with compensation of NIS 430,<> from the insurance company and the National Insurance Institute. After the accident, the owner of the training facility changed the mattresses to safer and more fixed ones, but for the trainee it was too late. The injury was not part of the filming for the program and the compensation was not paid by the program but by the Institute.

The woman, in her 40s, fell from a training facility on an improper mattress and injured her knee • The case ended with compensation of NIS 430,<> from the insurance company and the National Insurance Institute

The program "Ninja Israel" attracts many to try to be Israel's next ninja. But there are those for whom the dream ends already during training.

One is a bookkeeper and fitness trainer in her 40s who trained for the program's screening. After falling from a training facility on a malfunctioning mattress, she injured her knee.

A glimpse of the "Ninja Israel" final // Courtesy of Keshet 12

The case ended with compensation of NIS 430,<> from the insurance company and the National Insurance Institute.

According to the lawsuit filed in the Magistrate's Court, the plaintiff conducted special training for the purpose of participating in the "Ninja Israel" program. During a wall climbing exercise, given by an instructor, while descending backwards she landed on a sponge mattress that was supposed to stop her fall. Unfortunately for her, the mattress moved, causing the trainee to twist her right knee.

She went to the emergency room at Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba, and an MRI revealed that as a result of the injury she suffered a ruptured knee ligament. As a result, she had to undergo three surgeries to reconstruct ligaments in her right knee.

After the accident, the owner of the training facility changed the mattresses to safer and more fixed ones, but for the trainee it was too late. Her counsel, Adv. Lital Schwartz of Schwartz Meyer Barda law firm, argued in the lawsuit, inter alia, that the owner of the training facility must compensate her because he was negligent, and because had he acted properly and made sure to place a standard mattress or mattress fixture to the floor, the accident and its unfortunate consequences could have been avoided.

In the end, the owner's insurance company reached a settlement, in which it was determined that the defendant would pay the gymnast compensation of NIS 330,100, in addition to the NIS <>,<> she received from the National Insurance Institute.

We emphasize that the injury was not part of the filming for the program and the compensation was not paid by the program but by the Institute.

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