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Evaded punishment - and continued to commit sexual offenses against underage girls | Israel Hayom

7/5/2023, 6:39:06 AM

Highlights: An indictment recounting 11 different charges was filed against Maor Shmueli, 27, from Tel Aviv. The young man had conversations of a sexual nature, sent them materials of a pedophilic nature and even sodomized and owned some of them. In one case, he threatened a minor girl to send him sexual videos of her 10-year-old sister. He survived an indictment for sexual offenses, and continued to sexually abuse girls aged 9-15, even after he claimed he was not aware of the girls' ages.

An indictment recounting 11 different charges was filed against Maor Shmueli, 27, from Tel Aviv • The young man had conversations of a sexual nature, sent them materials of a pedophilic nature and even sodomized and owned some of them • In one case, he threatened a minor girl to send him sexual videos of her 10-year-old sister

He survived an indictment for sexual offenses, and continued: Maor Shmueli, 27, from Tel Aviv, continued to sexually abuse girls aged 9-15, even after he survived an indictment for online sex offenses for child sex offenses from girls after claiming that he was not aware of the girls' ages.

This time, Shmueli was severely indicted after he had conversations of a sexual nature in which he made sexual advances to minors, sent them pedophilic obscene material, and sodomized them after persuading them to meet with him. In one case, he forced a girl to send him sexual videos of her 11-year-old sister, who threatened to commit suicide, but he continued.

'Threatened to commit suicide, but he continued' Illustration, Photo: GettyImages

The indictment filed by attorney Ariella Navon recounts 11 different charges, indicating that on thousands of different occasions, Shmueli contacted many minors through WhatsApp, Telegram and TikTok apps, referred sexual references and suggestions to them, and sent them pictures and videos of his penis.

Shmueli systematically worked to sexually exploit underage girls by joining WhatsApp groups with underage girlfriends and contacting them with harassing private messages and sexual proposals, having a dialogue with them about their young age, addressing them with penetrating questions about past sexual abuse, asking whether they had been sexually abused by men who corresponded with them, all while trying to locate a sensitive and vulnerable spot in the legumes and exploit it for his sexual needs.

"The indictment recounts 11 different charges", illustration, photo: Joshua Yosef

Among other things, Shmueli asked the minors for full details about the circumstances of the sexual abuse they experienced, presented them with a false pretense of concern for their safety and well-being, while in fact he intended to create close relations for the purpose of his sexual gratification.
For example, Shmueli contacted a 15-year-old girl on WhatsApp last year.

Between November 2022 and May 2023, Shmueli and the minor had conversations of a sexual nature. On several occasions they conducted video calls in which the minor exposed her penis and performed sexual acts herself, on the orders of Shmueli, who recorded these video calls and kept the recordings with him. On several occasions during this period, Shmueli drove to her underage home, picked her up in his car and carried her while they were still in the car.

Between 2018 and 2019, Shmueli contacted a girl who was 11 at the time, during Shmueli's conversation with the minor, asked her age and she gave him her date of birth. Subsequently, the defendant gave the minor an agreed code in the form of an emoji to start a conversation between them, so that he would not be caught having a sexual conversation with the minor's parents, under the same username.

During many conversations with the minor, Shmueli referred questions of a sexual nature to her, both in written correspondence and in video calls. Among other things, he offered her to perform sexual acts herself, asked her questions of a sexual nature, sent her pedophilic obscene videos, pornographic videos and pictures of his penis.

'Reach out on WhatsApp to a girl who was 11 at the time', illustration, photo: GettyImages

In 2019, Shmueli approached a 14-year-old girl, made her a sexual offer for a video call and pressured her to have the conversation. Subsequently, at night, the defendant held a video call with the minor girl of a sexual nature and continued afterwards to make sexual statements and suggestions to the minor. One day, the minor emphasized her young age to Shmueli, but he did not stop his suggestions and even pressured her to meet with him, stressing that "everything that happens is a secret of mine and yours."

Punish the victims

To Shmueli's repeated entreaties, the minor agreed to meet with him and arrived at the apartment for the first time. Following this meeting, the two began to meet at his apartment regularly once a week or two, and Shmueli held the minor girl in these meetings and committed sodomy. After one of the meetings, Shmueli asked the minor what would happen if the age difference between them was discovered, in response to which she asked him what he was worried about, to which Shmueli replied, "It's a prison, if your parents or a friend is an informer," adding: "It happened to me already, I almost got on the pedophile list."

Shmueli went on to have conversations of a sexual nature with other underage girls, whom he met on various apps, the youngest of whom were 9 and 12 years old. During one of the conversations with a minor girl born in 2010, at his request, she sent him pictures of her private parts and he instructed her to shave her penis. In another conversation, Shmueli decided to punish her and demanded that she take sexual videos of her 10-year-old sister for him. The minor refused the demand and asked for a different punishment, begging him to allow her to paint and act. Shmueli threatened the minor that if she did not do so, he would force her to give him her home address. Shmueli repeated his demand during that conversation and after she begged him to let her go, he wrote to her that she had no choice. The minor wrote to the defendant that she would commit suicide and then blocked the defendant from calling her.

In her request for detention, Attorney Navon noted that "the respondent committed the acts detailed in the indictment for a long period of time, which ceased only when he was arrested as part of the investigation of this case. All the while, the respondent acted systematically and manipulatively, under the false pretense of helping and protecting the minors from others, but in fact used them to satisfy his sexual needs, as detailed in the indictment," adding that "in 2019, the respondent admitted in a police interrogation to having similar acts against minors and escaped criminal charges but on the pretext that he was not aware of the age of the minors with whom he had a sexual relationship. The respondent did not resist his instincts and resumed lewd acts against minors, using emotional manipulations towards them, exploiting dependence and weakness, and even went to the trouble of agreeing on code words to communicate with him, in the hope that his actions would never be discovered."

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