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Decorative candles - not what you thought | Israel Hayom

7/20/2023, 11:20:25 AM

Highlights: Decorative candles are atmospheric design items. Their use crosses cultures and they are popular and loved all over the world. The unfortunate truth is that some of them contain common chemicals that can affect your health and the health of your living environment. In this article, we will get to know the world of candles in depth and examine the chemicals from which they are produced. We will review the pros and cons of the natural alternatives. We hope this article will help you choose the right candles for you.

Decorative candles are atmospheric design items. Their use crosses cultures and they are popular and loved all over the world.

In collaboration with Ziv Chemicals

When you light candles, do you ask yourself what they are made of and what chemicals they release into the air when they are lit?

Among the reasons for their great popularity, we can note the fact that they provide a colorful feast for the eyes, add effortless color points, create a romantic and mystical atmosphere, and bring with them calm and tranquility.

But have you checked what the candles you light contain? The unfortunate truth is that some of them contain common chemicals that can affect your health and the health of your living environment.

In this article, we will get to know the world of candles in depth and examine the chemicals from which they are produced. We will examine their effects on our health and the environment, looking for natural ingredients that can replace these chemicals. We will review the pros and cons of the natural alternatives. When you are equipped with all the necessary information, you will be able to make informed decisions based on reliable information.

Photo: Sponsored by Ziv Chemicals.

What are decorative candles really made of?

When you light candles, do you ask yourself what they are made of and what chemicals they release into the air when they are lit? This is an important point to take into account when choosing the type of candles used, because it affects not only our health, but also the immediate environment.

Many candles contain paraffin, which is a petrochemical substance, an oil and petroleum derivative, which is associated with air pollution in the interior of the house. When paraffin candles are lit, they release microscopic particles into the air, damaging those who inhale them. Some also contain gasoline and toluene, which are substances that can cause headaches and even damage the nervous system.

But it's not just our health that's affected. The chemicals released from lit candles also affect the environment. They pollute the air we breathe, affect indoor air quality, and leave traces of pollution in soil and water when these particles settle and settle in them.

So what's the solution?
There are natural alternatives that may reduce these harmful effects. Here are a small number of examples, from a large variety of natural ingredients whose properties allow the replacement of chemicals in candles:
Ziv Chemicals is a family company established three generations ago, Ziv explained to us how to choose the solution for the chemical alternative in light bulbs to natural and healthy raw materials and what their significance is.

Olive oil candles - candles made from olive oil extracted from olives.
Beeswax candles - Candles are made from beeswax produced by bees and produced as a byproduct in the honeycomb smelting process to collect honey. A few drops of essential oils are usually added to the beeswax to add a pleasant scent.

Soy wax candles - are candles that contain soy wax and wax. Soy wax burns more slowly than regular wax and at a lower temperature, so these candles burn longer. The smell of soy candles spreads through the air more slowly than the smell of other candles, so they give off a pleasant and gentle smell for longer.

All of these materials are suitable for being the main ingredients in candles, as they allow the candle to remain lit for a long period of time, without endangering the people in the environment. They do not pollute the air and do not release hazardous substances when combusting.

Photo :freepik,

And what about the price?

Natural candles may be more expensive than paraffin candles, but in terms of their impact on our health and the health of the environment, it certainly seems to be a worthwhile investment. In addition, choosing natural candles fits well into the conscious consumer culture we want to create and strengthen and the growing awareness and need for sustainable choices.

The consumption of natural candles often also serves a social ideology. When we buy natural candles, we often support small, local businesses that produce sustainable products and encourage the industry to become more environmentally friendly.

In the end, the choice is yours. If you are looking for a way to reduce their harmful impact on the environment and improve the quality of the air you breathe, using natural candles is a great option for you.

They will not only help you create a pleasant atmosphere at home, but will also allow you to protect your health and positively impact the environment.

This may be an opportunity for you to take small but significant action to improve your quality of life.

In collaboration with Ziv Chemicals

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