The Limited Times

Medical desert: mayors of Loiret want to file a complaint against the State for non-assistance to a person in danger

7/20/2023, 6:40:55 AM

Highlights: According to INSEE, the territory has only 104 doctors per 100,000 inhabitants. Two-thirds of the population no longer have attending physicians. Pauline Martin, president of the association of mayors of Loiret, plans to file a complaint against the State for failure to assist a person in d. "I accuse, but not only this government. I blame the last forty years of non-health planning," she says. "There is a loss of chance for patients," she adds.

Pauline Martin, president of the association of mayors of Loiret, plans to file a complaint against the State for failure to assist a person in d

Like many French departments, Loiret suffers from a lack of doctors. According to INSEE, the territory has only 104 doctors per 100,000 inhabitants. "We are almost at the head of the medical desert," says Pauline Martin, president of the association of mayors of Loiret (AM 45), who would have done without this distinction. Despite the many nursing homes on the territory or even more the successful transformation of the hospital center into a university hospital center... Nothing helps.

Unfortunately, it will take another ten years for this work to bear fruit. The association of mayors of Loiret, however, believes that it is no longer able to wait. Two-thirds of the population no longer have attending physicians. Worse still, the few doctors present, leave the Loiret thanks to the aid of the Regional Health Agency and the State to other departments.

"I accuse, but not only this government"

Between sadness and anger, the president of AM 45 is determined to sue the State for failure to assist a person in danger even if this initiative is more symbolic. The plan to file a complaint is beginning to make noise beyond the borders of the department. However, Pauline Martin does not want to set herself up as an accuser of the current government.

" READ ALSO "There is a loss of chance for patients": ever more arid medical deserts

"Yes I accuse, but not only this government. I blame the last forty years of non-health planning." Faced with the medical emergency, elected officials are demanding from the State, an obligation to install young doctors in medical deserts. Perhaps then a solution to the problem will emerge from this constraint.

The association of mayors of Loiret is waiting for the response of some municipalities that have not yet responded to the survey. A signature with the president of the rural mayors of Loiret should be made shortly.

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