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A 74-year-old man is burned to death in a fire in Madrid

7/21/2023, 3:02:04 PM

Highlights: Ten people slightly intoxicated and three rescued by the façade in another fire in a house in Parla. Deadly fire in Madrid. A 74-year-old man has died when his apartment, located in the Chamberí district, caught fire. Four other people, who have gone down to the street alerted by the flames, have been treated for a slight inhalation by smoke and have been discharged at the scene. Five endowments of firefighters of the City Council have extinguished the fire "in just half an hour" and have checked all the houses.

Ten people slightly intoxicated and three rescued by the façade in another fire in a house in Parla

Deadly fire in Madrid. A 74-year-old man has died when his apartment, located in the Chamberí district, caught fire. Upon the arrival of the municipal firefighters to the place, number 14 of General Álvarez de Castro Street, about eight thirty in the morning, they have found a "generalized fire in a house on the fourth floor," reports a spokeswoman for Emergencias Madrid. Inside, they have located the man, who was alone and had already died, so Samur-Civil Protection has limited itself to confirming the death. The victim was "burned."

In the work of extinction have participated five endowments of firefighters of the City Council, who have extinguished the fire "in just half an hour" and have checked all the houses in case there were any reached by the flames. But "the fire has only affected the damaged floor", which was "completely affected by fire and smoke", and "there is no damage to the structure", details the spokeswoman.

#Incendio generalized in housing of a 4 floor in General Álvarez De Castro Street, 14, #Chamberí. @BomberosMad extinguished and upon accessing locate a 74-year-old man. @SAMUR_PC confirmed death and treats 4 other people for mild inhalation by smoke

— Emergencies Madrid (@EmergenciasMad) July 21, 2023

Four other people, who have gone down to the street alerted by the flames, have been treated for a slight inhalation by smoke and have been discharged at the scene. About ten o'clock in the morning, the firefighters have withdrawn after controlling the embers and ventilating the house.

On the other hand, 10 people have been slightly intoxicated around eleven thirty on Thursday night in the fire of a house in Parla, reports a spokesman for Emergencies Community of Madrid 112. The event occurred in a flat on the second floor of number 10 Sancha Barca Street.

"The fire was very developed from the first moment, four firefighters attend, who find a lot of smoke in the stairwell, so three people have had to be rescued by the facade," says the spokesman.

"The firefighters of the Community of Madrid have controlled the fire quickly", while the Summa has treated 10 neighbors for smoke inhalation, of which three have been transferred to hospital centers.

House fire in #Parla. C/ Sancha Barca. Extinct.

10 mild intoxicated. Only 3 transfers per #SUMMA112. #BomberosCM controls the fire quickly and rescues 3 people per façade.

— 112 Community of Madrid (@112cmadrid) July 20, 2023

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