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Toulouse: a 17-year-old minor imprisoned for disfiguring a woman with a shard of a bottle


Highlights: Four minors, aged between 14 and 17, attacked a 19-year-old woman in Toulouse. The victim, Anissa, had to have nearly 50 stitches to close her wounds. The four suspects were indicted for "violence in assembly, drunkenness, with a weapon" Three of them were released under judicial control, while the 17- year-old was detained pending her appearance in juvenile court on 17 August. The mayor of Toulouses, Jean-Luc Moudenc, denounces a "savage and barbaric violence"

The victim was returning from a party with friends when she was violently attacked by a group of four minors, aged between 14 and 17.

It took nearly 50 stitches to close his wounds. On the night of Wednesday to Thursday, Anissa was violently attacked in Toulouse, reveals La Dépêche du Midi. It's about three o'clock in the morning when the 19-year-old comes home from the evening with three friends. Together, they cross the Place du Capitole, in the heart of the city, and are attacked, for a reason that remains "confused, by a group of young minors, composed of two boys and two girls aged 14, 16 and 17 years," said the Toulouse prosecutor's office in a statement.

'Savage and barbaric violence'

"The verbal tension rose very quickly, until triggering a brawl during which the victims were beaten and, for one of them (Anissa, Editor's note), seriously injured by a broken bottle," continues the prosecutor of the Republic, Samuel Vuelta Simon. The investigation revealed that a 17-year-old girl was particularly prehensible at the victims. She would have "seized a bottle to break it, before delivering multiple blows to the face, back and arm" of Anissa, traces the magistrate. Another minor, 14-year-old, also "grabbed the shard of the bottle to deliver blows". Thanks to the city's surveillance cameras, the municipal police quickly spotted the brawl and intervened in time to put an end to it and arrest the four suspects.

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Anissa's wounds, especially on her neck and cheek, require her rapid evacuation to a hospital to be sutured. The medical examiner gave him a total break of nine days. The day after the attack, the young woman published on Twitter photos of her injuries to illustrate "the seriousness of things. I hope justice will be done," she wrote. The mayor of Toulouse, Jean-Luc Moudenc, denounces a "savage and barbaric violence" whose victims "will keep the physical and psychological stigmata for life".

Suspects with long antecedents

The four defendants are "for some followed by the judicial services of the protection of minors because of a difficult social course and, for others, unfavorably known to the juvenile criminal justice for acts of violence, theft, threats, lack of driver's license, possession of weapons and drugs", lists the prosecutor's office.

In police custody, they said they had consumed alcohol on the night of the incident, without further explaining this outpouring of hatred. Referred to the prosecutor's office, they were indicted for "violence in assembly, drunkenness, with a weapon". Three of them were released under judicial control, while the 17-year-old minor, identified as the main perpetrator of the beatings, was detained pending her appearance in juvenile court on 17 August.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-07-22

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