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All the laws of Tisha B'Av: the torture, the special calls, the prohibitions and the easing of restrictions | Israel Hayom

7/25/2023, 8:42:39 AM

Highlights: On Wednesday evening the Tisha B'Av fast will begin in memory of the destruction of the Temple. Rabbi Baruch Efrati details the laws of the day in which lamentations and sorrow should be increased. From what age do you fast, who has relief, what is the order of prayers and how do customs vary between Ashkenazi and Sephardic? There are five tortures: eating, lubrication, washing, using the bed, and locking the sandal. In the midst of the sorrow of destruction we ask G-d to help us emerge from darkness into a great Light.

In close proximity to the disputes dividing the country, on Wednesday evening the Tisha B'Av fast will begin in memory of the destruction of the Temple • Rabbi Baruch Efrati details the laws of the day in which lamentations and sorrow should be increased • From what age do you fast, who has relief, what is the order of prayers and how do customs vary between Ashkenazi and Sephardic?

The fast of Tisha B'Av is meant to remember and mourn the destruction of the Temple, to awaken us to the importance of building the land and the nation in our time, and to awaken us to repentance. In the midst of the sorrow of destruction we also include our personal pains, and ask G-d to help us emerge from darkness into a great Light, "A New Light on Zion Tair."

Reading the Book of Lamentations in a synagogue in Ashdod, Photo: Liron Moldovan,

There are five tortures on Tisha B'Av: eating, lubrication, washing, using the bed, and locking the sandal.

Eating and drinking:
An ordinary person who feels natural and normal weakness during fasting, continues to be tortured despite the sorrow.
A patientin whom thereis danger or doubt of danger - he is forbidden to fast.
An ordinary patient who is not in danger – such as someone whose head hurts from illness or who has dizziness and fever, or a person who lies down because of his weakness, or someone who has an eye infection, and wants to eat and get stronger (or a doctor instructs him to eat) – is allowed to eat and drink, and there is no need for lessons.

Tisha B'Av 5722: Thousands of worshippers at the Western Wall Plaza // Yoni Rikner

Pregnant and nursing women start fasting normally. If they start having a headache or stomachache, or weakness, they can eat and drink immediately, without lesson.
After giving birth – a woman up to thirty days, in our generation when the body is weak, is exempt from fasting, for all denominations.
Breastfeeding – If the breastfeeding mother has a concernthat the milk will diminish (even if there is no headache or weakness, and even if the baby will be able to switch to substitutes), it should be relieved, and drink and eat normally.
If thedoctor instructsa fetal woman to refrain from fasting for medical reasons, he should be obeyed and not fasted.

It is allowed to use deodorant. Do not use makeup creams. Anti-dryness ointment is allowed. It is allowed to apply mosquito repellent at night.

Dirty face, it is allowed to wash the dirty area to clean. Refresh is forbidden, even with a small finger. A patient who takes his hands for bread will take as usual, up to the wrist.

Weeping over the destruction of the Temple. Fasting Tisha B'Av at the Western Wall, Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Use of the bed:
The Porshin couple as in Nida days until the end of the fast (but it is forbidden to touch only at night). Preparations before immersion on the eve of the fast, etc. – prepare in advance before the fast and bathe before the baptism, or prepare everything after the fast.

Lock the sandal:
It is permissible to wear crocs and root sandals even if they are comfortable for him, but it is good to wear shoes that are not so comfortable. Leather shoes are not allowed.

Additional halachas: Torah study, work and sitting on the land

Sitting on the ground – from midnight it was customary to sit on a chair. Until midnight, it is allowed to sit on a very low stool or on the floor. On the bus it is better to stand, and if weak it is allowed to sit.

Torah study – one does not study Torah, because it is said, "Pekudi D. is joyful," except for things that belong to the chivalry of the day, and they are also not studied (Daf Yomi is also forbidden). Anyone who has doubts about faith may learn answers to his questions from the Book of Faith, from the judgment "I am the Lord Elkich," which also begins with fasting.

Work – One should not work on Tisha B'Av, and the worker in it sees no blessing from this. From midnight they used to ease and work if there was a great need. Before midnight, it is permissible to do something quick that does not involve delay that distracts him from fasting, or the work of the lost thing.

In addition, the Sages decreed, "He shall not walk and walk in the market, so that he will not become worn out and lightened and deceitful."

Order of prayers

Arabic Prayer:
In an Arabic prayer at the beginning of the fast, according to Ashkenazi custom, the curtain is removed from the Holy Ark and prayed in a low voice. Eighteen, Kaddish will be accepted. Turn on a light only as necessary for reading. They sit on the ground and read Lamentations in a low voice and in the usual melody. They say lamentations, and you are holy, we must praise.

Tisha B'Av evening at the Western Wall, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

To the custom of the Sephardim - the curtain is removed, and some read the portion of Hazinu. We answered at eighteen, Lamentations without blessings, lamentations, and you are holy, the special Kaddish, turn off the lights of the synagogue and declare a few years ago that the Temple was destroyed, a song for virtue, we must praise.

Morning Prayer:
At morning prayers on a fasting day, he takes his hands up to his finger ties (as well as after a toilet), and after wiping his hand with a saucer in it, passes over his eyes. One should not bless "He who has done all my needs for me" (and there are blessings). Do not place a tallit and tefillin (some Sephardim put it as usual), a small tallit is worn without a blessing (and in the blessing of the tallit will be intended to exempt the tzitzit). In prayer we do not say the portions of incense and eternity, but say: "A psalm for thanksgiving." And the custom of the Spaniards is to say sacrifices.

In the eighteenth morning prayer: We don't say "comfort," and the Shatz says "Ananu" between "the Redeemer of Israel" and "Rapano." Spaniards say Ananu also in the whisper of a single man at dawn.

According to Ashkenazi custom, the priests do not go up to the pulpit, and they do not say our blessing. To the custom the Spaniards do applaud.

We do not say Father, our King, and supplication. After the return of the Shatz half Kaddish, (Sephardim say a few lamentations) and the Torah reads to the three in Parashat Vachanan: "For you will give birth to sons," and the third dies. Half Kaddish, reciting in the melody of Lamentations: "Gather their harvest" until "God's speech." In the Haftarah blessing he concludes: "Star of David." They return the Torah scroll to the Holy Ark and say lamentations.

After the lamentations:
According to Ashkenazi custom, blessed are you, and you are holy, do not say to the victor, skip the verse "And I am my covenant." Kaddish is complete without being accepted. About us, Kaddish is an orphan, and we do not say a song of the day and the cutting of incense.

According to Sephardic custom, after the haftarah they continue as usual until the end of the prayer (but they say about the rivers of Babylon instead of praying to David), Kaddish with Taqbal, take out tefillin and say Lamentations and Lamentations, and then the special Kaddish (future for Ithadta).

Walk on this day scolded, anddo not ask in peacewhen meeting a friend. Whoever says hello by mistake responds with a hint.

Mincha prayer:
Those who did not put on the morning wrap themselves in a tallit and put on tefillin and bless them. The Ashkenazi people say a song of the day and other things they missed on Shacharit. Blessed, half Kaddish. They take out a seth, and call the three in the portion Vaychal, and the dismissal of "Derech Hashem" as a public fast. Half Kaddish before prayer in a whisper.

On the eighteenth, he says "comfort" in the builder of Jerusalem, and "answers" in hearing a prayer. The Shatz says "Ananu" between the blessing of "Redeemer" and "Rapano" in a special blessing, and "Necham" in the builder of Jerusalem (there is no change from the usual wording, and will refer to the words "desolate and despicable" about the City of David and the Temple Mount. If he forgot to say "Necham" instead, say without signing in "Hearing a Prayer" after "Ananu", or first "Vatazina", "And for everyone" or "God is besieged", and if he did not say at all he does not return).

Priestly blessing - when praying after the offering stream. In a great offering, in the opinion of most of the poskim, there is no applause. We do not say, "Our Father is our King."

Arabic prayer at the end of the fast:
After the prayer the white temples.

The end of the fast:
This year the 10th of Av isthe eve of Shabbat (Friday), and therefore its sentence is easier.

Laundry, music, haircut, blessing that we revived, washing – for Sephardim from the beginning of the fast. Ashkenazim begin with Friday morning, but if you have to go for Shabbat and you can't wait, then it's permissible from the end of the fast.

Meat and wine – Ashkenazim are allowed from Friday at midnight, Sephardim are allowed from Shabbat.

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