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Tisha B'Av: It's Time for Personal Reckoning | Israel Hayom


Highlights: The late Ehud Manor wrote Hebrew words that penetrate the veins and soul of every citizen of Israel. The people of Israel are now in one of the most difficult periods we have known since the establishment of the state. The lyrics of the iconic song wonderfully describe what entire populations in Israel feel, on both sides of the divide. "I have no other country, even if my land is burning... This is my home," Manor wrote in the song. "From now on I hope that I can contribute to maintaining a respectful public discourse, without giving up criticism"

Sometimes, in the heat of events, I resorted to statements and expressions that caused uncomfortable feelings to various people and publics • From now on I hope that I can contribute to maintaining a respectful public discourse, without giving up criticism

"I have no other
country, even if my land is burning
... This is my home."

The late Ehud Manor wrote Hebrew words that penetrate the veins and soul of every citizen of Israel, certainly in these troubled times. The people of Israel are now in one of the most difficult periods we have known since the establishment of the state. The lyrics of the iconic song wonderfully describe what entire populations in Israel feel, on both sides of the divide:

"I will not be silent, because my country
has changed its face, I will not give up on it,
I will remind it and sing here in its

ears until it
opens its eyes."

On the eve of Tisha B'Av, I asked for forgiveness and forgiveness from everyone who was hurt by me. I chose to do so on the social network Twitter, which is one of the most active and vibrant networks in the public sphere in Israel, and is also a platform around the world for freedom of expression, which is essential for a functioning democracy.

Mass prayer at the Western Wall on the eve of Tisha B'Av // Credit: Western Wall Heritage Foundation

I tweeted: "On the eve of Tisha B'Av, I would like to express forgiveness and forgiveness to all those who were hurt by harsh and insulting words that came out of my mouth during this turbulent and difficult time. I hope that we will all return to being a united people, for the benefit of the State of Israel and all its citizens. We have no other country, even if my land is burning: the IDF of all of us, the economy of all of us, the state of all of us. O disciples of Aaron, who loves peace and pursues peace." It wasn't long before the tweet resonated.

The responses to the tweet clearly reflected the difficult situation we find ourselves in as a society. I do not intend to argue with anyone about his reference to the said tweet. I didn't come to educate or preach. I found it necessary to do some personal soul-searching in light of the situation we find ourselves in as a society and as a people, the severity of which is especially evident in light of its peak on the eve of Tisha B'Av, when the destruction of the two Temples is commemorated because of social rifts and unfounded hatred.

Strengthen the IDF

The night before this tweet, I tweeted another, in light of the difficult feelings that IDF soldiers, from all corners of the spectrum, feel during this period. The tweet was intended to strengthen IDF soldiers wherever they are: "The pilots, soldiers and all those in uniform - green, blue, white - are the best of our sons. The people of Israel owe them a great deal. The State of Israel exists because of them. I object to mistreating them.

Demonstration over the past week. We need to calm things down, Photo: AP

"All those who serve in the regular, permanent and reserve duty night and day deserve our appreciation. I strongly condemn teasing and humiliation, and call for anyone who acts this way towards them to be brought to justice." This tweet also received great resonance, both positive and critical.

Responsibilities of communication

Over the past few years, I have worked extensively in the media field in a wide variety of media. I stood at the forefront and fearlessly expressed my personal opinion on current issues of public controversy, even when I knew it would entail a personal price and when over the years I had been subjected to harsh insults, invective and even threats.

Despite all this, my positions were exposed and known to all. In a democratic country, it is right and proper to allow the expression of opinions on any issue, even when it is difficult for different parts of the public to hear them. Freedom of expression is the lifeblood of democracy. The ability to conduct dialogue and dialogue is an essential necessity in a civilized and healthy society. However, sometimes the discourse becomes heated and even violent.

I was known in my own special way, and I'm proud of that. Linguistic coins that I have used over the years have partly entered the public discourse. For example, the expression "Saladin" as a nickname for the State Prosecutor's Office, whose head office is located on this street, as well as the Office of the Attorney General.

But sometimes, in the heat of events, statements and expressions I made caused uncomfortable feelings to different people and publics, even though the intention was to create and paint a sharpening picture.

As I said, my opinions and positions are known. I am a right-winger deeply connected to Jewish tradition, and I am determined to continue to proudly and determinedly, without fear, present my positions and opinions on all the burning and important issues in the State of Israel. I will continue to criticize and shine a spotlight on any issue that I believe deserves criticism and exposure.

Despite these statements, I believe that the media system in Israel, from across the political and social spectrum, must take responsibility in order to calm the situation and ensure an appropriate and appropriate discourse that is close to the facts. I'm not naïve to think that this will happen anytime soon.

The chances of this happening are low, even slim, and still, I hope that from now on I will be able to contribute to maintaining a respectful public discourse, without giving up sharp criticism, as I have done until now. √

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-07-27

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