The Limited Times

"Sobriety", a safe haven in times of crisis

7/29/2023, 8:22:48 AM

Highlights: Politicians of all stripes share an ugly flaw: their speeches are riddled with portmanteau words. This summer, "Le Figaro" returns to these rhetorical reflexes that have turned to language tics. The call for moderation has been given a new lease of life since the war in Ukraine. This article is for subscribers only. You still have 81% to discover.Want to read more?Unblock all items immediately.TEST FOR 0,99€: Log in to your account.

MOT À MAUX (6/9) - Appearing in the 1970s, this call for moderation has been given a new lease of life since the war in Ukraine.

Whether they are adept at wooden language or plagued by newspeak politicians, politicians of all stripes share an ugly flaw: their speeches are riddled with portmanteau words. Overused concepts, which they summon all day long to serve a subjective argument loaded with presuppositions. This summer, "Le Figaro" returns to these rhetorical reflexes that have turned to language tics.

The huge Arabelle turbine, the flagship of French nuclear power, sits at the entrance of the building. Two months before the presidential election, on February 10, 2022, Emmanuel Macron came to celebrate the "rebirth" of the tricolor atom from the General Electric plant in Belfort (Territoire de Belfort), whose energy branch was recently bought by EDF. At the turn of a series of announcements, the one who is not yet officially a candidate for re-election launches a word that will become, a few months later, one of the refrains of his second five-year term. That of "sobriety", behind which aggregates...

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