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Following the publication in Israel Hayom: Sports associations will receive 90% of the funds | Israel Hayom

8/20/2023, 12:20:05 PM

Highlights: Great efforts by the Ministry of Sports to transfer to the various associations the funds that have not yet been injected this year. "Now there is some relief, but we will be more relaxed when we see the money coming in", one union said. In recent months, small and large sports associations have given up on training camps, reduced athletes and officials to competitions. The Sports Ministry said: "On August 17, the ministerial support committee approved the union model, which determines the budgetary framework for each association"

Great efforts by the Ministry of Sports to transfer to the various associations the funds that have not yet been injected this year: "Now there is some relief, but we will be more relaxed when we see the money coming in"

After the uproar over the sports associations who claimed that they did not receive the funds due to them, Israel Hayom learned that soon the Sports Ministry is supposed to inject 90% of the funds to them.

Already on Friday, great efforts were made by the Sports Ministry to provide the unions with the performance reports, with some of them working over the weekend to prepare them and return them back to the Sports Ministry so that they would be able to receive the budgets before the holidays.

Most unions waited to see what the final model would be and what budgets they were supposed to receive this year, after all of them survived on 60% of last year's budget, forcing a number of smaller unions to take out loans from the IOC.

The Fencing Association is in distress. And he's not the only one, Photo: EPA

As you may recall, in recent months, small and large sports associations have given up on training camps, reduced athletes and officials to competitions. Unions told a number of workers that they would not have money to pay them next month and were mostly frustrated that they could not prepare future work plans because they did not know whether the money would come.

"We worked all Saturday on the reports and we have already sent them," one union said. "We were in uncertainty for a long time. We didn't know what our budgets were this year, although now there is some relief, but we will be more relaxed when we see the money coming in."

In another industry, they also began to breathe a sigh of relief: "They had to be moved and without a doubt the articles helped. We somehow managed to survive this year, but we knew that soon the holidays would come and there would be no one to talk to. The problem is bigger and there is a lot of disorder, now there is some hope that everything will be sorted out."

The Sports Ministry said: "On August 17, the ministerial support committee approved the union model, which determines the budgetary framework for each association. Each association is required to submit performance reports, and according to what is reported, the Ministry of Culture and Sport will pay the funds. The sooner the unions submit the performance reports, the more progress the transfer of funds will be."

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Minister Miki Zohar, Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

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