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'Together we will save Israel': Protest leaders will try to influence local elections | Israel Hayom

8/28/2023, 5:02:36 PM

Highlights: Leaders of the protest movement say they will work for the good of the country. They say they want to ensure that all candidates for local elections are given the chance to win. They also want to increase the number of people voting for the first time in a long time. They are calling on the public to vote for the best candidate for the next election, which will be held on November 8. The deadline for voting is midnight on October 31. For more information on the election, visit the official website.

Moshe Redman, Eyal Naveh, Moran Zar Katzenstein and other protest leaders have marked municipal elections as their next target Redman: "We will work with all our might to ensure that liberal-democratic candidates and lists win the local government elections"

Entering the picture of local elections: Leaders of the struggle organizations held a press conference on Monday evening ahead of the local government elections to be held on October 31. At the event, the leaders of the struggle announced that the protest organizations were preparing to work through a variety of channels to ensure the victory of democratic and liberal candidates, candidates, and lists.

The leaders clarified that the failure in the last national elections will not be repeated in the local elections, and that they demand that all candidates and lists act responsibly and promote list consolidation and consolidation. According to them, responsible conduct by liberal-democratic candidates will lead to assistance and support from tens of thousands of protesters: "One bloc together we will win."

Leaders of the protest against the reform at a press conference // Photo: Moshe Ben-Simhon

The protest leaders, activists and various designated organizations are currently working with candidates and lists in various localities, in order to ensure unions that will maximize the chances of a liberal-democratic victory in dozens of local authorities in Israel. The protest organizations are also working to increase voter turnout, update the addresses of renters and students, and promote the Democratic Network charter, which candidates and lists will be asked to sign in order to declare their commitment to a policy based on the values of the Declaration of Independence.

The heads of the protest organizations at the press conference, photo: Coco

Moshe Redman: "We intend to work actively, night and day, in order to persuade, connect, unite and, if necessary, exert heavy pressure so that candidates put the good of the Israeli public before personal ambitions and ego."

Moshe Redman, Photo: Coco

Eyal Naveh, Brothers in Arms: "The struggle for democracy does not end with a committee for selecting judges or on the grounds of reasonableness. This is a struggle that has many fronts, and one of the most important of them is the local elections. We will not be a decorating committee, we take our fate in our own hands and together we will save Israel."

Moran Zar Katzenstein, Building an Alternative: "We expect candidates to present lists with equal representation between women and men in real places. Such lists will receive support from the protest in general and from building an alternative in particular."

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