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The school year begins in a moment: everything you need to know and prepare in advance | Israel Hayom

8/29/2023, 8:02:14 AM

Highlights: September 1st is the first day of the new school year in Israel. Parents and children are already crying out for a return to normal. Take advantage of the past week of freedom to prepare children for routine. Check the technical specifications of the computer before purchasing. Check reviews to help you understand what other users think about your computer and potential problems. The perfect sandwich for school year is a recipe by chef Aviv Moshehead of the Sodexo Club in Tel Aviv, which operates over 100 dining rooms.

What should we talk about with the children? Which computer is best for you and which sandwich will be both delicious and nutritious? • All the important tips in one place

September 1st is around the corner, and after two unusually hot months, it seems that both parents and children are already crying out for a long-awaited return to normal.

Opening the school year: 2.5 million children return to schools and kindergartens

Just before the 2024-2024 school year begins (hopefully it will open as a series without a last-minute strike), we have compiled important information and advice, both for first graders who will experience the significant transition from kindergarten to classroom and for students returning to classrooms after the summer vacation, as well as tips for parents so that they can prepare the ground for their children.

According to Hofit Avraham, a certified parent facilitator on behalf of the Adler Institute, "It is already worthwhile to start preparing to return to the boundaries of the daily routine. Take advantage of the past week for a slow return to routine – all family members need time to get used to, each family member needs a different rhythm, so a week in advance can be very helpful."

Write down the tips that can help:

1. Family conversation - talk to the children, schedule a joint conversation at a time and place that is convenient for everyone. In the conversation you will do a kind of recap of a great vacation 2023, talk about what you did the vacation and how much fun it was together. Look at pictures from the places you've been, it helps them remember. Remind them that school is coming back to school very soon, so we need to start organizing for it. In the same conversation, it is important to do an emotional home check and ask the children how they feel about the return, what they expect, what they fear.

Taking advantage of the past week of freedom to prepare children for routine, photo: Liron Moldovan

2. Lower the pace - In the week before returning to school, start to lower the pace of activities and go out to fewer attractions and entertainment. This will help all members of the household begin to enter into an atmosphere of routine.

3. Practice a routine - start restoring sleep and waking up. Please note, it is important that it is adapted to reality. Don't expect that one day they'll be able to fall asleep at 20:30 p.m. and get up at 6 a.m. It is important to make the change gradually and accordingly. Depending on your child's age, you'll start waking up earlier and getting ready for bed earlier in a pleasant atmosphere.

Click to go - for the full list of tips from Hofit Avraham

Here's how to choose the right computer for your studies

One of the constant dilemmas of many parents concerns choosing a suitable computer for the return to school. On the surface, this sounds like an easy task, but in fact it is a serious financial expense that requires a wise and informed decision, which will yield the best of your money.

There are many factors to consider, such as the age and grade of the child, the school's curricula, the budget available to you, etc. We asked Avichai Ne'eman, Director of Business and Private Computing Categories at Dell Technologies Israel, to give us some order.

A good laptop will bring comfort to parents and not just children, Photo: Getty Images

According to Ne'eman, "It is important to take into account the needs of the child. What should the child do with the computer? Does he need the computer only for basic needs, such as working on documents and surfing the Internet? Or does he also need the computer for heavier needs, such as designing presentations, editing videos and so on?"

Click to switch - screen, processor, memory and volume - what is most recommended depending on the need, and why

"It is important to check the technical specifications of the computer before purchasing. The technical specifications will include the information about the computer processor, working memory, hard disk, etc. In addition, before you buy a computer, it is recommended to read reviews about it. These reviews can help you understand what other users think about your computer and identify potential problems," he adds.

According to him, "It is important to ask a few additional guiding questions. Do you want a laptop or desktop? The importance of weight and will the computer travel with us to the classroom or stay static only at home? Does the computer need to be thin enough to fit easily in the backpack? What is the right screen size for the child's needs?"

Perfect sandwich for school: recipe by chef Aviv Moshe

Ahead of the upcoming school year, Chef Aviv Moshe, who is also the head chef of Sodexo on site, which operates over 100 dining rooms throughout the country, shared with us the recipe for his perfect sandwich - Club Cheese and Vegetable Sandwich.

Sandwich for Aviv Moshe's school, photo: Harel Mor

"In a sandwich for school, it is important to have healthy ingredients and the addition of vegetables," Moshe says, adding: "I think that such a sandwich has an added value that will make the child eat it all, enjoy the taste and the looks. In this way, we, the parents, also know that we are sending our children with a meal of significant nutritional value."

Recipe for Aviv Moshe's Club Cheese and Vegetable Sandwich


Casten bread - thinly sliced white bread according to the desired amount of sandwiches

1 peeled roasted red pepper 1 peeled roasted yellow pepper

1 zucchini thinly sliced with peeler - season the zucchini with salt and lemon juice
A handful of washed Salnova lettuce leaves

Safed cheese sliced into thin slices Mozzarella cheese sliced into thin


Dried tomato paste -


1/2 cup dried tomatoes

About 3 tablespoons olive oil

Click to go - how to prepare and assemble the sandwiches

Method of preparation

Put about half a cup of dried tomatoes in a food processor with about three tablespoons of olive oil and grind into a smooth spread.

Pesto spread -


About 1 cup basil leaves

About 6 walnuts

A little grated Parmesan

A pinch of salt

Olive oil (about 4-5 tablespoons)

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