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"Helping Israel": Palestinian killed in PA security force activity in Tulkarem camp | Israel Hayom

8/30/2023, 10:50:51 AM

Highlights: The forces raided the camp to remove roadblocks and obstacles erected by militants. During the raid one of the armed men Abd al-Qader Zaqdah was killed. The militants: "We will not be silent about the deed, we will prevent the forces from entering the camp" • The PA claims: "Zaqed was killed by the gunmen's fire", in some claims it was reported that he was hit by gunmen during the exchange of fire that developed with PA security forces.

The forces raided the camp to remove roadblocks and obstacles erected by militants, during the raid one of the armed men Abd al-Qader Zaqdah was killed • The militants: "We will not be silent about the deed, we will prevent the forces from entering the camp" • The PA claims: "Zaqed was killed by the gunmen's fire"

A Palestinian was killed Wednesday morning in an operation by the Palestinian security forces in the Tulkarem camp. PA security forces raided the camp to remove roadblocks and obstacles placed by militants at the entrance, causing great tension and clashes that included exchanges of fire. Local sources reported that a Palestinian was seriously wounded in the shooting and was later pronounced dead. He was Abd al-Qader Zakdah, 22.

These are iron and stone obstacles placed by armed militia operatives in the camp as part of their repeated attempts to make it difficult for the IDF to operate when entering it. The entry of Palestinian forces aroused resistance among the militants, and a riot ensued. The forces initially fired teargas to disperse the gathering, but the clashes escalated to the use of gunfire.

Riots in Tulkarm after young man shot dead by PA security forces || Arab networks

Following the incident, armed men from the Tulkarem camp released a videotaped statement and said that they "will not remain silent about this act, which indicates that it assists the occupation in the pursuit of wanted persons." They also announced that they would not allow the apparatuses to enter the camp.

Talal Dweikat, spokesman for the Palestinian security forces, said that "complaints have been received from institutions and residents in Tulkarem about the presence of hazardous materials and checkpoints in front of schools and roads in the Tulkarem camp, and based on this, the mechanisms acted to remove them."
"After the force finished its mission, some armed youths started shooting at the government building, which necessitated the intervention of the security forces and taking steps to restore order," Dweikat added.

Tulkarem (archive),

The Palestinian Authority also did not confirm that Zaqed was killed by the security forces' gunfire, and in some claims it was reported that he was hit by gunmen during the exchange of fire that developed with PA security forces.

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