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'Unprecedented smear campaign': Natalie Dadon sued for NIS 1.1 million | Israel Hayom

8/30/2023, 2:40:32 PM

Highlights: Eyal Levinget, owner of Nina in Tel Aviv, is suing the star of the network after she claimed on several occasions that he expelled her from the scene "because of her political opinions" "She encouraged unrestrained lashing out and public insults against the plaintiff," the lawsuit says. Dadon said: "The case will be conducted in court and any response will be given as part of the statement of defense" The lawsuit also states that this was "particularly serious, aggressive and bullying conduct" by someone who, according to him, "is well trained in public relations"

Eyal Levinget, owner of Nina in Tel Aviv, is suing the star of the network after she claimed on several occasions that he expelled her from the scene "because of her political opinions": "She encouraged unrestrained lashing out and public insults against the plaintiff" • Dadon: "

The expulsion – and the lawsuit: Four months after she was expelled from a café in Tel Aviv, allegedly because of her political laps, the owner filed a lawsuit against Natalie Dadon in the city's Magistrate's Court for NIS 1.1 million for defamation.

According to the lawsuit, Eyal Levinget, owner of the Nina café in Neve Tzedek, refers to an "unprecedented smear campaign" that Dadon claims she used against him, adding: "She repeatedly promoted and spoke a baseless 'narrative' as if he supposedly refused to serve her because of her political opinions, 'views' and/or similar 'considerations.'"

Dadon came to Levinget's café last April with escorts, until she was kicked out, she said, because of her political views. The incident led to publications on social media and in the media.

The statement of claim, filed through attorneys Yaron Kochman and Shir Zubari of Caspi & Co., claims that Dadon "... caused, brought and encouraged unrestrained attacks and public outrage, a real tsunami, against the plaintiff, which gave and continues to give its bad and offensive marks, when the plaintiff suffered and suffers harassment, harassment and threats to his life and the lives of his family members, all as a result of and as a direct result of the defendant's conduct, and despite the fact that she had the ability and power to stop them in real time, and while taking advantage of the platform she enjoys as a 'well-known influencer' (as she puts it and according to her)."

Natalie Dadon explains why she chose to wear a keffiyeh, last year // Photo: Gil Kramer

Levinget claims in the lawsuit that he did not know or identify the defendant, including the subject of her views, origins or political affiliation: "These matters, which were not even within his knowledge .... They never had any relevance, weight or importance... Including with regard to that 'event.'"

The lawsuit also states that this was "particularly serious, aggressive and bullying conduct" by someone who, according to him, "is well trained in public relations and the world of advertising, and with her own hands threw Levinget, who is a private person from the community, who is very far from the world of advertising and PR, under the wheels of the many idle publications and the public storm that caused her."

The restaurateur also added a general message: "This is an appropriate, appropriate and extremely clear case in which a voice must be issued by the honorable court, because an influential 'celebrity' cannot act in such an improper manner, and such offensive conduct cannot be allowed, normatively and in any other respect."

Natalie Dadon (Archive), Photo: Noam Moshkovitz - Knesset Spokesperson's Office

In addition, Levinget noted that he is allocating half of the proceeds in the lawsuit "for donations to associations that conduct value-based educational activities, including to unite and promote moderation in the public sphere, as well as assistance to victims."

Natalie Dadon said: "The case will be conducted in court and any response will be given as part of the statement of defense."

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