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Stricter punishment levels: 3 years in prison for soldier who accidentally killed Corporal Baruch Kabrata | Israel Hayom

8/30/2023, 2:40:44 PM

Highlights: A bullet ejected from a weapon he was playing with and killed the soldier Baruch Kabrata. The military court today sentenced Private Benjamin Panthis to three years in prison. He was also convicted of the offense of obstruction of justice and determined that he will pay compensation to the family of the deceased. The punishment imposed on the soldier reflects a severity relative to the prevailing levels of punishment, and reflects the severity that the IDF views in such incidents. The army will act to eradicate these cases and bring weapons offenses to justice.

After a bullet ejected from a weapon he was playing with and killed the soldier Baruch Kabrata, the military court today sentenced Private Benjamin Panthis to three years in prison • He was also convicted of the offense of obstruction of justice and determined that he will pay compensation to the family of the deceased

The punishment for frivolity that cost human lives: The District Military Court today (Wednesday) sentenced Benjamin Pantieho, a soldier with the rank of private, who was convicted of the offense of reckless manslaughter, for causing the death of Corporal Baruch Kabrata, z"l, and for the offense of obstruction of justice.

The court accepted the plea bargain presented to it after a mediation process and sentenced the soldier to three years in prison, along with a suspended sentence. In addition, it was determined that the soldier would pay compensation to the family of the deceased.

"The pillar of the family": Corporal Baruch Kabrata, an IDF soldier killed by a bullet, was laid to rest // Moshe Ben Simhon

According to the indictment filed by the military prosecution, on the night of January 2-3, 2023, the soldier entered a living room where other soldiers were staying and took another soldier's weapon containing a magazine containing bullets. The defendant noticed that the weapon was in a "solitary" state, and carried out various actions with the weapon, in a manner that resulted in shoveling a bullet into the swallowing chamber and firing a bullet, which hit Baruch z"l and caused his tragic death. The defendant then asked another soldier not to tell him what happened in the room.

Family, friends and soldiers at Baruch Kabrata's funeral, photo: Yossi Zeliger

The military prosecution was in contact with counsel for the Kabrata family, updated them on the progress of the proceedings, presented them with the details of the plea bargain and accepted the family's position.

The punishment imposed on the soldier reflects a severity relative to the prevailing levels of punishment, and reflects the severity that the IDF views in such incidents. The army will act to eradicate these cases and bring weapons offenses to justice.

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