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Both sweet and delicious? Watch Mickey Shamo demonstrate creative dish preparation for the school year | Israel Hayom

8/31/2023, 5:49:55 AM

Highlights: 11-year-old Talia accompanied Israel Hayom's food editor to interview the senior pastry chef. The chef shared recipes for two surprising types of sandwiches. His name also shared with us a recipe for a quick dinner preparation of antipasti. In preparation for the start of the school year, we went together with Talia Amrami, 11, from the Kedem school in Emek Hefer, to interview Miki Shmo. Miki promised to show us two original recipes for sandwiches, both healthy and tasty.

11-year-old Talia accompanied Israel Hayom's food editor to interview the senior pastry chef • The chef shared recipes for two surprising types of sandwiches and provided tips for a quick dinner • Special project

In preparation for the start of the school year, we went together with Talia Amrami, 11, from the Kedem school in Emek Hefer, to interview the senior pastry chef, Miki Shmo, who promised to show us two original recipes for sandwiches, both healthy and tasty. One, a surprising vegan sandwich that combines avocado and cooked hummus. The second is a sweet and nutritious sandwich that can be a substitute for the popular chocolate spread. His name also shared with us a recipe for a quick dinner preparation of antipasti.

Miki Shamo demonstrates the preparation of a nutritious vegan sandwich // Photo: Shmuel Buchris

"We make a purely healthy avocado sandwich with vegetables - as my daughters Adi and Dana like - cucumber and carrots, and instead of a hard-boiled egg, we will use cooked chickpeas for the salad. They will give us both texture and stability. That way, even those who are vegan can eat our sandwich," his name explained, and Talia confirmed that she would agree to take such a sandwich to school: "Yes, even though I haven't tasted it," she said. When we asked her if there were any sandwiches that children were embarrassed to take with them to school, she replied, "No, I would take everything, but I have the usual sandwiches: tuna, cottage cheese, hummus to wipe with pita on the side or malawah. Always with cherry tomatoes on the side."

The recipe for the avocado salad sandwich with hummus, which his name shared with us, contains a variety of ingredients with nutritional values required for children during the school day. "I chose spelt bread," his name noted, adding: "This is a bread that has a special taste, it's not too big in terms of volume and it doesn't have too big holes so the spread doesn't escape, so it's good for a sandwich. Spelt bread is bread that has little gluten compared to whole wheat or rye bread and is considered very healthy." Talia asked Mickey his name questions during the interview.

How do you invent a new dessert?

"A new dessert can come from many sources of inspiration – from a conversation, from a movie I've seen, from a picture I've encountered at an event. Ultimately, when creating a new dessert, it's most important to experience the flavors. Tasted something new? I say: 'Wait, this will work with fresh raspberries, because raspberries are a little tart and the other product is sweet' – that's how we balance."

You do a lot of cooking shows, what do you do if it doesn't taste good at the end?

"Great question. I have to tell you that I try to make it delicious and if it's not tasty, I give it to the production and the whole crew, everyone eats and eats," says his name with a smile and continues: "The truth is, before I do the recipe on the show, I check that the food is indeed delicious. We test the recipe first, improve the recipe, tighten it and only then bring it to the program and take pictures."

Sweet and healthy? Miki Shamo demonstrates how to do it // Photo: Shmuel Buchris

The spread for the sweet sandwich was created by ingredients such as silan, ground dates, raw tahini and ground almonds. "The sweet sandwich is challenging," says his name, detailing: "Usually when talking about sweet, my daughters, for example, want a chocolate spread or jam. Here we make a fairly innovative spread. It may look like chocolate, but it doesn't have chocolate. There's not even cocoa in it."

How can you make a sandwich that is both sweet and healthy?

"I choose the type of bread first and make sure it's healthy. Here I chose wholemeal bread. Second, I use ingredients that will lead me to make a sweet spread, but I don't use white sugar but, for example, dates that are very sweet, I put some lemon juice to balance and to that I add tahini and silan, which adds color."

How can we get our children to replace the chocolate they are used to taking with this kind of sandwich?

"The most basic thing is ultimately visibility. Once the sandwich stimulates us and the visibility does it to us, we will not remember that it is made of dates and tahini. Finally, the spread we create here looks like milk chocolate spread."

Who really is the chef in your house?

"So at home we have Dana, she's my eldest daughter and I have to give her respect. She's 17 years old and every sandwich is invested at the level of the Pantheon."

Dinner - Mickey Shemo's highlights for a quick dinner preparation // Photo: Shmuel Buchris

Recipe for a healthy sweet sandwich

A sandwich consisting of bread made of whole wheat flour in a rectangular structure that is easy to make a sandwich from. We turned the chocolate-flavored spread - from childhood flavors - into almond paste with dates to get a parallel and slightly dark shade. The sandwich is suitable for students and even exercisers in any physical training.

Both sweet and healthy?, Photo: Michelle Dot Com


2 tablespoons ground almonds (possible with peel)
2 tablespoons whole
sesame tahini 2 tablespoons real silan 1 teaspoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons
ground pitted dates / dates paste

Method of preparation

Mix everything together until you get a smooth, easy-to-apply spread.

Assembling the
a generous layer on one slice of bread.
Slice date into thin slices and place on top.
Close with the second slice.
Cross and serve.

It is worth trying: avocado with chickpeas,

Recipe for vegan avocado sandwich with hummus

Most people make avocado spread rich in eggs, but in our case we replaced them with cooked chickpeas. We also used wholemeal spelt bread.

Vegan Avocado Salad Ingredients

Soft peeled
avocado 2 tablespoons
cooked chickpeas Juice from half a lemon Chopped
Salt Black

You can add: a little hot chili and even a little chopped red onion.

Method of preparation

Using a fork, make sure to unite the avocado and the chickpeas.
Season with the rest of the ingredients and mix until uniform.

Assembling the
generously on one slice of spelt bread.
Using a peeler, slice thin slices of fresh carrots and cucumber and place on the spread.
Close with the second slice of bread.
Cross and serve.

Antipasti recipe


1 medium sweet potato, peeled and sliced 1 large sliced eggplant 1 fresh fennel sliced
Basket of champignon mushrooms

1 dried onion
/ peeled and sliced red onion A
bunch of thyme
5-6 cloves of garlic 150 ml olive oil
A pinch of
Ground black pepper

Method of preparation

Preheat oven to 220 degrees Celsius.
Line a baking sheet with baking paper.
Arrange the vegetables in a mold.
Brush the vegetables with olive oil.
Salt a little and sprinkle a little black pepper.
Sprinkle the cloves of garlic.
Sprinkle the thyme leaves on top.
Put in the oven for about 5 minutes until lightly browned and softened the vegetables.
If the quantity is large, it may be necessary to extend the time in the oven by another 10-<> minutes.

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