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"Buy a jar and make pickles": Shai Ofri explodes on Stav Officer - and here's why | Israel Hayom

9/18/2023, 8:55:39 AM

Highlights: "Big Brother" star Shai Ofri held a Q&A session last night. She opened her heart and talked about the disadvantages of finding love on the small screen. Ofri also spoke about the tenants she considered friends and disappointed her. She also gave a harsh answer to Stav Officer who predicted that the relationship between her and Snir Borgil will not last. "I think it's the most powerful experience I've ever had. I learned a lot about myself. I really knew Shai," she said.

"Big Brother" comes out

Shai Ofri is getting used to her new status as a reality star, and as part of the bond-building steps between her and her tens of thousands of Instagram followers, she held a Q&A session last night during which she opened her heart and talked about the disadvantages of finding love on the small screen, about the tenants she considered friends and disappointed her, about her dissatisfaction with her appearance, and also gave a particularly harsh answer to Stav Officer who predicted in an interview that the relationship between her and Snir Borgil will not last.

"Big Brother": Shai and Snir kiss // Network 13 (archive)

Ofri's relationship with Snir in the "Big Brother" house was often severely criticized. In a question asked by netizens, the star was asked to answer about the benefits of romantic acquaintance on the small screen. "I think there are pros and cons," she said. "Finding love in the 'brother' house is as hard as it gets. You don't really have your privacy, and you think step by step before you do anything. Not to mention the intensity. But on the other hand, you know the person in front of you deepest."

"How do you summarize your experience in 'The Brother'?" they asked. "I think it's the most powerful experience I've ever had. I learned a lot about myself. I really knew Shai. Because I'm not perfect, not even close. There were a lot of things I changed myself because that's where I really realized it wasn't right for me," she admitted. Ofri was also asked about her desire to change things related to appearance. "I've always had a problem with the way I look. I'm slowly trying to come to terms and love myself that way, in terms of appearance," she shared.

Shai and Snir, Photo: Reshet 13

Ofri also spoke about the feeling of disappointment she felt from residents who were close to her at home. "Today, after all the noise is over, are there tenants you saw as good friends of yours and were disappointed in them?" they wanted to know. To this, Ofri replied "a lot," but did not elaborate further.

Shai was also asked to comment on statements made by Stav Katzin during an interview she gave to Israel Hayom last weekend. An officer was asked whether she thought the relationship between the two would last, to which she replied: "No. Both egos and nerves. They're the same, and it doesn't work out." "What do you think of what Stav said about you and Snir, that you shouldn't be held out?" we were curious. To which Ofri replied: "Go to Fox Home, buy a jar and make pickles."

Stav Katzin, photo: Yaniv Zohar, courtesy of Reshet 13

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