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Stav Officer's Private Letters Exposed | Israel Hayom


Highlights: "Big Brother" veteran Stav Katsin shared with her many Instagram followers requests and pleas that she wrote in the past in notes to the Creator. One of the notes was written by an officer last Hanukkah, less than a year ago. "I'm afraid it will be lost. I became famous once, after Beauty and the Geek. Even then, they started recognizing me and I got offers – but one day it was over. Even watering stopped inviting me. Just don't end," she said.

On the eve of the holiday, the blonde woman chose to upload to her online account the requests and prayers she had written in notes to G-d

Sometimes dreams come true: Last night (Sunday) at the end of the holiday, "Big Brother" veteran Stav Katsin chose to share with her many Instagram followers requests and pleas that she wrote in the past in notes to the Creator related to health, marital life and redemption that she so hoped for, after years of striving and working to gain publicity and recognition. One of the notes was written by an officer last Hanukkah, less than a year ago.

The explosion between Stav and Avraham. Big Brother Channel

"Dreams begin to come true," an officer wrote with satisfaction on two notes she had written in the past. "Dear name, I ask what is written in the note, that thanks to the eight Chanukah candles, eight are now lit, I will live to see my salvation! Amen," an officer asked in the first note she revealed, written less than a year ago in December 2022.

Stav is an officer as soon as she leaves the "Big Brother" house, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

In the second note, an officer began by quoting a verse from the Book of Psalms: "'From the strait I called ye clouds in the space of Ye.' May God send me a proper marriage pairing and four children, God willing. May God send me a complete cure and that I will be cured of fibromyalgia and herniated discs," she prayed. "May there be peace in the family and I will repent! God willing, the next Chanukah will be blessed. I will read a psalm of thanksgiving, Psalm 100 of the Psalms for the salvation I have been saved for. Amen!" she promised.

The production built episodes and missions around it. Stav Katzin, Photo: Reshet 13

In a recent interview with Israel Hayom, an officer spoke about her great fear that success will now slip through her fingers: "I'm afraid it will be lost. I became famous once, after Beauty and the Geek. Even then, they started recognizing me and I got offers – but one day it was over. Even watering stopped inviting me. I was no longer relevant. Just don't end."

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-09-18

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