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The Amazing Discovery Under Gaza's Land – And No, It's Not a Terror Tunnel | Israel Hayom

9/26/2023, 11:51:42 AM

Highlights: Workers in the Gaza Strip have discovered two ancient lead sarcophagi. The find is part of a larger project to restore the remains of the ancient inhabitants of the region. The discovery was made during the construction of a new housing project in the city of Yafat, in the northern part of the country. The project is being overseen by the Israeli government. The findings are being investigated by the Israel Antiquities Authority. The full story will be published in a special edition of this week's edition of GMA.

Workers working on the construction of new apartment buildings accidentally discovered a huge find, which the Palestinians and Europeans are now working together to rehabilitate, under the close supervision of the Hamas regime

Palestinian laborers working on an Egyptian-funded housing project for Gaza residents stumbled upon an unusual find under the Gaza Strip last year – and it was not one of Hamas' tunnels: dozens of ancient tombs, including two lead sarcophagi from the Roman period. We used ChatGPT to tell us about the largest cemetery ever discovered in Gaza, covering an area of about 2,700 square meters.

The cemetery was discovered, as stated, during work on a site surrounded by fairly ordinary apartment buildings, near Jabaliya in the northern Gaza Strip. At first they found a number of graves, by January of this year the number had risen to 60, and now, after intensive discovery work, it already stands at 135 – a real goldmine for archaeologists.

As is well known, the Gaza Strip has a long history, thanks to its strategic location along ancient trade routes connecting Egypt and the Levant. In recent years, this history has been at high risk of destruction due to Hamas rule in the Gaza Strip, the repeated battles against Israel, and rapid urban expansion.

French archaeologist René Alter, who is now leading the excavation, explained that researchers examined the tombs meticulously, and each provided invaluable insights into the cultural artifacts and health of the population that inhabited the area some 2,000 years ago. The lead sarcophagi are, he says, a particularly rare find – one has intricate decorations of vine leaves, and the other bears pictures of dolphins. These lead tombs are an unprecedented discovery in Gaza, and archaeologists believe they may contain the remains of social elites.

Beyond the two rare sarcophagi, Alter's team is working on rehabilitating the skeletons uncovered at the site and reconstructing fragments of pottery urns, shedding light on the customs and daily life of the ancient inhabitants of Gaza. Some of the artifacts will be transferred to Europe for restoration work, and then returned to the city under the supervision of Hamas' Ministry of Antiquities.

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