The Limited Times

13 wanted persons, weapons and lathes Manufacturing: The IDF operated tonight in seven different locations in Judea and Samaria | Israel Hayom

9/27/2023, 5:51:30 AM

Highlights: 13 wanted persons, weapons and lathes Manufacturing: The IDF operated tonight in seven different locations in Judea and Samaria. The security forces operated in the cities of Qalqiliya, Tubas and Nablus, in the villages of Beit Deco, Beit Ummar and Shiyukh, and in the Dheisheh refugee camp. The forces confiscated six weapons and four lathes for making weapons. There are no casualties to our forces.

The security forces operated in the cities of Qalqiliya, Tubas and Nablus, in the villages of Beit Deco, Beit Ummar and Shiokh, and in the Dheisheh refugee camp • Clashes were recorded between the sides, there were no casualties to our forces

Israeli security forces operated tonight (between Tuesday and Wednesday) in the cities of Qalqiliya, Tubas and Nablus, in the villages of Beit Deco, Beit Ummar and Shiyukh, and in the Dheisheh refugee camp and detained 13 wanted persons. The forces confiscated six weapons and four lathes for making weapons.

In the activity of the forces in the city of Qalqiliya, suspects fired, threw stones and an IED at the forces, which responded with crowd control measures. In Beit Deco village and Nablus city, suspects threw stones at the force, which also responded. In the city of Tubas, the forces located and confiscated three weapons and military equipment, and gunfire was heard in the area.

IDF fighters in action, photo: IDF Spokesperson

Some of the weapons seized in the operation, photo: IDF Spokesperson

In the village of Beit Ummar, the forces located and confiscated two Carlo weapons, and during the activity of the forces in the Dheisheh refugee camp and in the village of Shiyukh, suspects threw stones at the forces, causing minor damage to a military vehicle.

In a brigade operation to confiscate weapons in Hebron, the forces detained two wanted men, who located and confiscated ammunition, M16 weapon parts, a hunting rifle and four lathes for manufacturing weapons.

The wanted persons who were detained and the weapons confiscated were transferred to the security forces for further handling. There are no casualties to our forces.

The lathes for manufacturing weapons found by the forces tonight, photo: IDF Spokesperson

IDF activity in the village of Husan: Molotov cocktails thrown at the forces

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