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After the massacre in Basmat Tivon: The government must declare a state of emergency | Israel Hayom

9/27/2023, 7:50:16 PM

Highlights: After the massacre in Basmat Tivon: The government must declare a state of emergency | Israel Hayom. Another heinous and harsh murder in Arab society, another family paid a high price - and politicians must act together. Retired Commissioner Aharon Aksol in a special column. The failure to deal with Israeli-Arab society has been the fault of all Israeli governments in recent decades, he says. The first step: a declaration of a state-of- emergency by all government ministries.

Another heinous and harsh murder in Arab society, another family paid a high price - and politicians must act together • The first step: a declaration of a state of emergency by all government ministries • Retired Commissioner Aharon Aksol in a special column

Another heinous and harsh murder in Arab society, another family paid a high price – a woman and her two children and two family members.

Again we will see the same chants of accusations as we have seen in recent years. Once again, politicians will start from all directions and blame each other for the failure to deal with crime in Israeli-Arab society.

Minister Ben-Gvir arrived at the scene of the massacre in Basmat Tivon - and was greeted with cries of "Go home" || Shmuel Buchris

However, and frankly, the failure to deal with Israeli-Arab society has been the fault of all Israeli governments in recent decades. In my humble opinion, violence in Israeli-Arab society should be dealt with in several ways.

First, the state must define that this is an emergency. The definition of such a situation uniformly requires all government ministries, law enforcement agencies, and others to prepare plans for immediate action, without all the endless committees, and this definition of an emergency may also bring with it budgets in the immediate term.

All ministers should cooperate, photo: Kobi Gideon, GPO

In the short term, the Israel Police must prioritize missions and flood those centers of violence in Arab society with many police officers who will increase friction with those perpetrators of crime and violence in Arab society.

It is important to emphasize: the Israel Police will not be able to deal with this phenomenon alone with all its many tasks assigned to it, and therefore the police will be obliged to recruit the 24 Border Police reserve companies to deal with the problem. It is also necessary to create daily friction with those crime families.

You will not be able to cope alone, the police, photo: Police Spokesperson's Office

Friction should take place within business centers, private homes and more. Alongside the friction, they must also be joined by the tax authorities, and this friction must be carried out constantly and daily. At the same time, in the long run, there are three sides that only the connection and cooperation between them will make it possible to reduce the phenomenon of violence.

The first side is the law enforcement system, which includes the Israel Police, the Tax Authority system in enforcement in the field of taxation, and the State Prosecutor's Office and the courts in the field of filing indictments and stringent punishments. The second side is government ministries, which must prepare a plan to reduce unemployment, an educational program that will prevent school dropouts, investment in infrastructure, and more.

The judicial system must also be mobilized, photo: from Wikipedia/Hanay,

The third side is the heads of the Arab municipalities, who will work with them vis-à-vis security agencies and government ministries. Connecting these three sides can have a drastic effect on reducing violence in Arab society in Israel.

At the same time, contemporary technologies should be used in the Arab sector through the use of cameras, similar to the safe cities model that exists in various cities throughout the country.

Retired Major General Aharon Aksol, member of the Security Movement, former commander of the Tel Aviv District

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