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The Pot at the Heart of the Holiday: Yossi Shitrit's Recipes for a Sukkah Dinner | Israel Hayom

9/28/2023, 5:41:43 AM

Highlights: The design of the table in the center of the sukkah and the abundance of food influence the atmosphere, says Yossi Shitrit. Get two such dishes, suitable for central serving on the table, and serve them to the whole table. Shulbata was originally a poor man's food, but it has great wealth. The Mansaf is a stew of bulgur, chicken, rice, garlic, parsley and tahini. It is recommended to serve the Mansaf alongside a piece of pita bread.

What is more suitable for the sukkah table than one large pot, from which everyone can eat together? • Get two recipes that will make your holiday

Hosting in a sukkah is a great opportunity to prepare slightly more festive and special dishes. In addition to the food itself as the center of hospitality, we incorporate social games into the holiday dinner – both to boost morale and to avoid topics that might provoke debate.

To me, there is nothing more enjoyable than hosting family and friends for a good meal around the table. Sitting around the table on Fridays or holidays is so important.

The Mansaf train. With a lot of tahini on top, photo: Assaf Carla

The design of the table in the center of the sukkah and the abundance of food influence the atmosphere. I really like serving dishes to the center of the table, rather than a personal dish for everyone. As in a feast of yesteryear, everyone eats together and not everyone is focused on his own plate.

So get two such dishes, suitable for central serving on the table in the sukkah.


Shulbata was originally a poor man's food, but it has great wealth.

Shulbata. Rich Poor Food, Photo: Assaf Carla


√ 1/2 cup olive oil

√ 2 chopped onions

√ 3 chopped tomatoes

√ 2 tablespoons tomato paste

√ 1 cup thick bulgur

√ 5 cups chicken broth or water

√ 1 teaspoon sweet paprika

√ 1/2 tsp. cinnamon

√ 1 teaspoon cumin

√ salt, black pepper

Photo: Assaf Carla,

How to prepare:

1. Pour the olive oil into a saucepan and fry the onion until golden brown.

2. Add the tomatoes and continue frying until the tomatoes brown.

3. Add all other ingredients, including the bulgur.

4. Bring the stew to a boil.

5. Lower the heat, cover the pot with a lid and cook for 25 minutes.

Chicken mansaf

The Mansaf. Combining flavors, photo: Assaf Carla


√ 200 g roasted almond sticks

√ 3 Druze pitas (whole wheat tortillas are also possible)


√ 1 kg whole thighs

√ 4 grains of cardamom

√ 4 bay leaves

√ 3 cinnamon sticks

√ 8 cloves garlic

√ 1 teaspoon salt

How to prepare:

1. In a saucepan with water, garlic and spices, cook the chicken for an hour. Occasionally hyphenate the foam formed above.

2. After cooking, remove the chicken to the pan (reserve the water in which the chicken was cooked) and disassemble the meat from the bones.

For rice:

√ a little olive oil

√ 1 cup rice

√ 5 cloves of garlic, peeled and chopped

√ 1/2 tsp. cumin

√ 1 teaspoon Bharat

√ 3 nail nails

√ 1 teaspoon salt

Photo: Assaf Carla,

How to prepare:

1. In a saucepan, fry the rice and garlic a little in oil and add the spices.

2. Add 1 2/1 cups of hot water (preferably using the water in which the chicken was cooked), cover with a lid and cook for 15 minutes.


√ 1 thinly sliced onion

√ 4 grains of cardamom

√ 4 bay leaves

√ 3 cinnamon sticks

√ 8 cloves garlic

√ 1 teaspoon salt

√ handful of chopped parsley

How to prepare:

1. Fry the onion until browned.

2. Add the garlic, spices and 1 cup of the water in which the chicken was cooked (after filtering), bring to a boil and cook for 7 minutes.

3. Turn off the fire and add the deconstructed chicken and the chopped parsley.

How to assemble the dish:

1. Slice a whole Druze pita on a tray.

2. Cut into coarse pieces 2 pita breads and spread the tears over the whole pita.

3. Place the rice on top and the chicken on top. Pour the sauce.

4. Sprinkle the roasted almonds.

5. It is recommended to serve alongside tahini: use a piece of pita bread to scoop from the rice and chicken, drizzle over tahini and eat.

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