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Local elections are approaching: everything you need to know | Israel Hayom

10/2/2023, 11:51:53 AM

Highlights: Local elections will be held on Tuesday, the 31st of the month, across Israel. From what age can I vote? Where do police officers, soldiers and disabled people vote? Is someone who works that day entitled to an increase in his salary? And many other questions. All the details ahead of Election Day. The day of local elections in Israel is set as a sabbatical. There will be no classes in the education system. Transport and public services will operate as normal. There is no obligation to bring the notice to the voter to the polling station.

From what age can I vote? Where do police officers, soldiers and disabled people vote and what should be brought to the polls? • All the details ahead of Election Day

Local elections will be held on Tuesday, the 31st of the month, across Israel. Throughout the country, citizens will go to exercise their right and determine who will be their mayor or mayor.
This election raises many questions, such as: Is there freedom on that day? Will the educational frameworks operate normally? Is someone who works that day entitled to an increase in his salary? And many other questions.

Is Election Day defined as a sabbatical?

Sabbatical Day - The day of local elections in Israel is set as a sabbatical. Transport and public services will operate as normal.

Are there studies?

On this day, there will be no classes in the education system.

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What about the second round of elections?

In the second round of elections, which will be held in places where no decision has been reached, there will be no sabbatical.

Is someone who works on Election Day entitled to a salary increase?

Those who work on Election Day are entitled to a salary of 200%, or alternatively to regular wages in addition to vacation hours in return for their work hours. The payment also applies to employees who choose to work on this day voluntarily.

When can I vote?

On Election Day, the polling station will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 22:00 p.m. In small communities with fewer than 350 voters, polling stations will be open from 07 a.m. to 00 p.m.

Studies will not take place (illustration), photo: Joshua Yosef

Where do soldiers, police officers and hospitalized patients vote?

Soldiers vote at IDF bases or at their own polling station in the local authority. The location of the polling stations and their hours of operation will be given to the soldiers by the commanders. Police officers will vote at the polling station in which they are registered, and if due to their duties they are unable to reach the polling station, they will be able to vote at designated polling stations that will be published on the election portal. A hospitalized person may vote at the polling station for hospitalized patients, subject to presentation of a hospitalization certificate.

What is the minimum age at which I can vote?

Those who celebrated their 17th birthday before Election Day.

How do I identify myself at the polls and vote?

You can identify yourself with an ID card, a valid passport, a valid Israeli driver's license, a valid military ID, a valid transit card. After identification, the secretary of the ballot committee hands over two envelopes. One is white and the other is yellow. In brick they put a white slip – to choose a list for the council. In the yellow envelope they put a yellow note - for the election of the head of the authority. In localities of regional councils where elections are held for the local committee, the voter will insert a blue ballot into a blue voting envelope. There is no obligation to bring the notice to the voter to the polling station.

Choosing a polling station in Jerusalem (illustration), photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Where does someone who recently moved vote?

The date for determining the voter register is September 14, 9. Those who have not changed their address by then vote in the elections of the previous municipality in which they lived.

How do I know where I am registered?

The clarification of our place of registration can be done by contacting the numbers 1-800-101-975, 077-9790060, where there is a human response from a representative. You can also contact 053-3801464, and receive information by SMS or WhatsApp. Anyone holding a "kosher" phone can dial 053-3801464. The system automatically detects a kosher phone and sends the verification code by phone.

What do I do if ballots are missing from select cells?

If there is a lack of ballots for the lists of the Council of the Authority, it is also possible to vote on a blank white slip on which to be registered, in blue pen the letter/letters of the list for the Council of the Authority or a letter/letters with the name of the list. If ballots for the mayor are missing, it is also possible to vote on a blank yellow ballot on which the name of the candidate for head of the authority must be written, in blue pen and in as clear handwriting as possible, the name of the candidate for head of the authority - his first and last name.

You can vote at the base, photo: Eyal Margolin - Genie

Are there polling stations adapted for the disabled?

Every local authority is required to have at least one accessible polling station. A disabled person whose polling station in which he is registered is not accessible may vote at a special accessible polling station in the local authority. The locations of the accessible polling stations will be published on the local authority's website and on the Ministry of the Interior's election portal. A person with a physical disability that makes him unable to vote on his own may bring with him a companion to assist him in voting activities. It should be emphasized that the lender cannot vote at the accessible polling station on his own.

Where does a senior citizen living in a nursing home vote?

Residents of assisted living facilities or nursing homes are entitled to vote at a special polling station placed in the institution in which they are located.

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