The Limited Times

Standing with Israel: Britain to send two warships to the Mediterranean | Israel Hayom

10/12/2023, 6:44:13 PM

Highlights: Britain to send two ships and several spy planes to the eastern Mediterranean. The Argos and Lime Bay will reach the area adjacent to Israel's maritime territory. The announcement comes alongside reports of London's intention to begin evacuating Israeli citizens who wish to leave Israel. The United States said on Monday it would send another aircraft carrier to the region as the aircraft carrier Gerald Ford en route to the Eastern Mediterranean. Israel had requested ammunition in Germany for a vessel for Hai Lahim, which was active during the fighting in the south.

The Royal Navy announced an increased presence in our region • The goal: to deter hostile countries from intervening in the fighting in Gaza • British spy planes will also be sent to the area

Increasing presence: Britain announced on Thursday that it would send two ships and several spy planes to the eastern Mediterranean. The British Navy will operate reconnaissance flights to assist Israel in what London described as "support for an ally."

Two supporting vessels of the Royal Navy, the Argos and Lime Bay, will reach the area adjacent to Israel's maritime territory. The announcement comes alongside reports of London's intention to begin evacuating Israeli citizens who wish to leave Israel. It was also reported that Britain would operate intelligence flights to collect intelligence and assist Israel.

Meanwhile, the Tazar media reported that Israel had requested ammunition in Germany for a vessel for Hai Lahim, which was active during the fighting in the south, and that Germany responded that they would help Israel.

The United States said on Monday it would send another aircraft carrier to the region as the aircraft carrier Gerald Ford en route to the eastern Mediterranean. The huge presence of the US Navy in Israel's vicinity is a direct continuation of President Biden's statements regarding Israel's right to defend itself and the total condemnation by Western leaders of Hamas' bloody attack on the Gaza envelope.

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