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Hundreds accompanied Capt. Yuval Halvani, a reserve officer killed in battle in Sderot | Israel Hayom

10/13/2023, 4:17:55 PM

Highlights: Hundreds accompanied Capt. Yuval Halbani, a reserve officer killed in battle in Sderot. "The battle in which you fell saved the lives of the residents of SderOT, exposed a well-dug interceptor squad and you and two other fighters fell in the difficult battle," the battalion commander eulogized him. "I didn't want you to be everyone's hero. I wanted you to being my hero," his wife, Amit, eulogged him.

"The battle in which you fell saved the lives of the residents of Sderot, exposed a well-dug interceptor squad and you and two other fighters fell in the difficult battle," the battalion commander eulogized him • "I didn't want you to be everyone's hero. I wanted you to be my hero," his wife, Amit, eulogized him

Hundreds accompanied Capt. Yuval Halbani (31), a reserve officer in Magellan, who was killed Monday morning in battle inside the city of Sderot.

"Yuval fell like a hero in battle with terrorists. In the battle for home," eulogized the commander of the reserve battalion in which he served.

"The battle in which you fell saved the lives of the residents of Sderot, exposed a well-dug interceptor squad and you and two other fighters fell in the difficult battle," the battalion commander eulogized. "We were jumped on Simchat Torah evening. We met in the emergency warehouses as the operations officer, you coordinated that we would be ready for war. As always professional organized and organized. Value to friends and first make a comment when something is wrong."

"What happened to this city is simply a disaster": Sderot on the second day of the attack / Shmuel Buchris

Yuval and his wife Amit met in the Scouts movement and the two are parents to two-year-old Yonatan. Amit Cepeda: "My Yuvali, for 13 years I have been a colleague of Yuvali, almost half a life. You are the king of optimism. Even in the most difficult times." Amit recounted in her eulogy how her life was in danger, just two months ago, when she had a stillbirth and Yuval was there to save her life.

Capt. Yuval Halbani z"l and his son

"I thought it was the hardest point of our lives. You've been waiting so much for this kid. I lost a lot of blood and you were my guardian angel. Thanks to you, I am alive and you are not now," she said through tears. "It was clear that you would pack first and go to the reserves. Thanks to you, a lot of blood is prevented. I didn't want you to be everyone's hero. I wanted you to be my and John John's hero, Jonathan."

Yuval's twin brother Ziv said: "All my life I've been asked what it's like to be a twin brother and I feel I don't have a good answer. We've always been together. I always felt that Zivi exists only when there is Yuvali, and I can't reconcile the contradiction, how come there is Zivi and there is no Yuvali."

His sister Michal said: "You were the glue of the family. Your role in the world has been to bring hearts together. Every second and every life. I take on your role. I'm stepping into huge shoes."
At the funeral, Yoni Rechter appeared, at the request of the family, who sang his song "As Long", a song that Yuval chose to sing with his family last New Year's Eve and whose words, "Even if I fall suddenly, my heart will say poetry", appeared in the obituary.

Yuval Livni left behind his parents, Nirit and Erez, wife Amit and Ben Yonatan, and three brothers, Ziv Michal and Assaf. He was buried in the cemetery with fences.

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