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After she published a post against "traitors of the left": demand to suspend Sarah Netanyahu's bureau chief | Israel Hayom

10/15/2023, 12:54:56 PM

Highlights: After she published a post against "traitors of the left": demand to suspend Sarah Netanyahu's bureau chief. The Civil Service Commission is seeking to bring about the suspension of Tzipi Navon. Navon published posts on Facebook in which she wrote that "the day is not far off that all those who plot the coup will be brought to justice" and spoke out against various elements, including protest organizations, channels and media personnel. "We have not finished burying our dead yet, we are only at the beginning of the war," Navon wrote.

The Civil Service Commission is seeking to bring about the suspension of Tzipi Navon, who published posts on Facebook in which she wrote that "the day is not far off that all those who plot the coup will be brought to justice" and spoke out against various elements, including protest organizations, channels and media personnel

The Civil Service Commission is demanding the suspension of Tzipi Navon, Sara Netanyahu's bureau chief, after she published a Facebook post on Friday attacking "traitors from the left who continue incitement."

According to a letter sent to the State Commission's Disciplinary Division, Navon published various posts on Facebook that included "extremely offensive statements against various elements, including protest bodies, media channels and people, the 'left' state prosecutor's office, the opposition leader, and more."

"We have not finished burying our dead yet, we are only at the beginning of the war, and the traitors of the left continue their incitement. Let's close the page for them! Report en masse to Facebook! This time they fight back and protect our prime minister!" wrote Navon in a post in response to the "Failure23" Facebook page, which blames Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the massacre and surprise war by Hamas.

Navon next to a post she wrote, photo: from Facebook

Three days before the post in question, Navon wrote "Stop incitement and division" alongside pictures of leading media figures with the caption "The day is not far off that all those who plot the coup will be brought to justice."

The letter in question cited as examples other posts by Navon, in which she called various people and organizations "traitor Jews" and "fifth columns," in addition to writing that we should "point the finger at them," referring to Hamas' terrorist campaign.

The Netanyahu couple enters court to testify in the "secret agreement" lawsuit, in January // Photo: Shmuel Buchris

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