The Limited Times

The change from previous rounds: This time, the terror-supporting environment should also be harmed | Israel Hayom

10/15/2023, 6:14:28 AM

Highlights: The change from previous rounds: This time, the terror-supporting environment should also be harmed. To "take them down by list" is to return to "exacting a heavy price" and "a very painful blow" - we are no longer there. The IDF must continue bombing even if "non-combatants" are killed. Because in Gaza they knew and cooperated, and rejoiced at the Jewish blood that was spilled. Unlike the Nazis from Hamas, the IDF does not look for a civilian or non-involved population to harm it.

To "take them down by list" is to return to "exacting a heavy price" and "a very painful blow" - we are no longer there • The IDF must continue bombing even if "non-combatants" are killed • Because in Gaza they knew and cooperated, and rejoiced at the Jewish blood that was spilled

At the beginning of a ground campaign in Gaza, and before we are confused with the terms "non-involved" or "combat ethics," which may delay the advance of our forces and even endanger them, it should be made clear: Unlike the Nazis from Hamas, the IDF does not look for a civilian or non-involved population in order to harm it. He does not target her or attack her. So deserved. That's right. So moral. That's the difference between us and them, but that's where it starts, and that's where it ends.

IDF Spokesperson: "We will attack Gaza with great force in the near future" // Credit: IDF Spokesperson

The IDF Spokesperson's statement over the weekend from the air force commander: "We have a list of all those who participated in the heinous crimes... We'll reach them all," may confuse. This "melody", with all due respect, is a thing of the past. The time for the concept of tweezers and surgical activity is over. The terror-supporting environment must also be harmed: mosques, universities, schools of incitement, the media, candy dispensers after the attacks, and the crowds that danced frantically around the vans with the abductees from the surrounding communities. Those who are now helping to hide babies and children and old people and bodies snatched from the valley of killing.

Tanks in motion, photo: AP

To "lower them by list" is to return to "exacting a heavy price" and "a very painful blow" and "those responsible will not escape" and "our long hand will get them." We are no longer there. We must not go back there. This must not be enough.

The dilemma of the "uninvolved" may turn out to be current sooner than expected. In previous rounds of fighting, the IDF often endangered the lives of its soldiers in an attempt to avoid harming "non-involved civilians." Not anymore. When the choice is between destroying and/or mopping up a fortified/booby-trapped target, where "non-combatants" are also located, by means of soldiers (infantry), or destroying and mopping up that target by aerial bombardment, the option to choose is the second option, even if "non-combatants" are killed.

Artillery fire towards Gaza, Photo: AP

When IDF soldiers encounter such a "moral dilemma," all they have to do is recall the tens of thousands of hate-stricken Gazans who have accompanied "martyrs" and terrorists to rest in recent decades. tens of thousands who have participated over the years in the hate and hateful displays along the fence; in the masses that participated in the deception exercise, on the eve of the pogrom on the last Simchat Torah day; To recall Bialik's words "in the city of killing," those who "no longer have a remedy and will have no remedy... In slaughtered human beings hanged by marriches... In the sun that rose, in the fool that blossomed, and in the butcher who slaughtered."

Thousands of Hamas Nazis participated in the massacre in the surrounding communities. They were trained for about a year (according to testimonies of captured Hamas operatives). It is inconceivable that the population did not see, did not know, and did not hide. Many were involved and knowledgeable. There is no telling how many, but many. So please beware of "non-involved", but not too much, and not at the expense of IDF soldiers. At most, allow an escape corridor. Nothing more, because in Gaza they knew, and in Gaza they cooperated, and the city of Gaza rejoiced and rejoiced at the Jewish blood that flowed like water. Remember the saying of our sages: "Whoever feels sorry for the cruel ends up being cruel to the merciful." Remember how the day of our sickness turned into mourning. Remember what Amalek did to us.

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