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"We received a message: 'There are terrorists in the community'": After the evacuation - residents of the Gaza envelope relive the moments of terror | Israel Hayom

10/16/2023, 5:45:45 AM

Highlights: "We received a message: 'There are terrorists in the community'": After the evacuation - residents of the Gaza envelope relive the moments of terror. After the massacre, residents spent time at Kibbutz Maale Hachamisha. Yifat from Netiv Ha'asharah: "My older child broke down crying after two hours and told me: 'Mom, I can't do it anymore, I'm dying of fear' "Yair Glam from Moshav Gaya: "We have two abductees from the moshav who were lookouts and one who was killed"

After the massacre, residents spent time at Kibbutz Maale Hachamisha • Yifat from Netiv Ha'asharah: "My older child broke down crying after two hours and told me: 'Mom, I can't do it anymore, I'm dying of fear' • Anat Hamilim: "My husband and son, who is a combat soldier, took weapons and went outside to defend the house"

Breathing the air after the nightmare: Residents of the Gaza envelope, who evacuated to Kibbutz Maale Hachamisha in the Jerusalem Hills after the horrific massacre of Hamas terrorists, told Israel Hayom about the moments of terror and fear: "At 6:30 we heard the sirens start and then a barrage of rockets in the direction of the community," described Meir Ben Sha'anan from Moshav Netiv Ha'asara. The terrorists were close to my house and I heard the shooting from the parallel house. Later, on the way to the evacuation, my children and I saw some bodies."

Yifat Ben Shoshan, also from Netiv Ha'asara, added: "We receive a message on the local app that tells us: 'Dear residents, please lock the safe room doors and everything possible in the house. There are terrorists in the community.' The electricity went out throughout the community and there was no communication. My older child broke down crying after two hours and told me: 'Mom, I can't do it anymore, I'm dying of fear.' I look him in the eye and I feel like crying and I can't cry. We prayed that they would skip our house. I looked the children in the eye and you start to realize that these may be the last moments."

Yair Glam from Moshav Gaya noted: "We have two abductees from the moshav who were lookouts and one who was killed. Well done to the organizers who took us in here."

Anat Avitan, a resident of Zikim, found it difficult to calm down from the terrible incident: "My husband and son, who is a combat soldier, took weapons and went outside to defend the house. It was a world horror. It is impossible to describe what we went through. We spent 7-6 hours besieged inside the safe room, hearing gunfire and explosions. Things humans aren't supposed to hear. We've been lied to for years that we're safer than anywhere else. It was all work in my eyes."

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