The Limited Times

Opinion | Is Hamas good for the Jews? The concept is still floating on the surface | Israel Hayom

10/17/2023, 5:16:20 AM

Highlights: Israel should offer the management of the Gaza Strip for a decision between Egypt and a body to be established by Arab League countries. Netanyahu and his ministers did not abandon the concept of splitting the Palestinians in two – and this is a big trouble for the day after the ceasefire. Gush Katif was born by mistake and uprooted in sin. It is, in the words of Carl von Clausewitz, "the continuation of the policy by other means," and the clarification is necessary here and now and in a sharp tone.

Netanyahu found Hamas ruling Gaza and developed the delusional conception that a cruel religious organization could be bought with money Israel should offer the management of the Gaza Strip for a decision between Egypt and a body to be established by Arab League countries Netanyahu and his ministers did not abandon the concept of splitting the Palestinians in two – and this is a big trouble for the day after the ceasefire

Israeli children in the past received a card game called "Black Bear" as a gift on their birthdays. Whoever was left at the end of the maneuvers and the "black bear" in his hands was declared the loser.

The terrorist convoy enters Kibbutz Be'eri // Photo: Security cameras

Gaza is the black bear that has accompanied national history since the biblical Samson carried the gates of the city on his shoulders until these days, when the IDF besieged it. The literal expression of this tragedy was in Moshe Dayan's eulogy at Roi Rothberg's grave in 1956, according to which the violent Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a chronic fate.

Delusional conception

Egypt took control of Gaza without annexing it in 1948. The IDF captured in the Sinai Operation in 1956, and willingly returned it. When the IDF embarked on the Six-Day War in 1967, Dayan instructed the forces to expand the original plan of the General Staff and expel the Egyptian army from the entire Sinai Peninsula, but to refrain from occupying the Gaza Strip. He saw it as a hornet's nest and preferred to leave it in Egyptian hands. The IDF ignored him. Major General Yitzhak Hofi confirmed this in his autobiographical book. Such a shame.

Since then, the regime in Gaza has undergone transformations and changes, and at the end of each round Israel remains, with the "black bear" in its hands. Anwar Sadat refused to accept the Gaza Strip for Egyptian administration in making peace with Menachem Begin.

Mahmoud Abbas, photo: Reuters

Gush Katif was born by mistake and uprooted in sin. Its uprooting has nothing to do with current events. When Ariel Sharon caused the disengagement, power was in the hands of the Palestinian Authority. Only two years later, Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip, and Ehud Olmert – depressed after his failure in the Second Lebanon War – did not prevent it.

Benjamin Netanyahu found Hamas ruler in Gaza and developed the delusional concept that "Hamas is good for the Jews." He encouraged the continuation of the dark organization's rule in order to split the Palestinian leadership. A kind of policy of "two states for one people," the Palestinians.

The split made it easier for him to evade negotiations. He estimated that a cruel Islamic religious organization could be bought with money, as "a man within himself is a stranger," hence the strategy that emptied the Gaza Division of soldiers sent to military operations in Judea and Samaria.

They did not abandon the concept of fragmentation

The massacre at Simchat Torah was as an expression found in Hebrew sources that torrential rain changes the face of the earth. President Joe Biden's standing with Israel, accompanied by a bow and deep gratitude, temporarily blocks the damage created by Israel's sunny image, until the war restores its glory.

Gush Katif evacuation 2005, photo: Reuters

In addition to the fact that the US will claim its share in the division of bearskin (non-black) as a result of the IDF's action, and this will be reflected in the resumption of negotiations in the Israeli-American-Saudi triangle, the government in Jerusalem has not yet completed the political aspect necessary to define the goals of the war. It is, in the words of Carl von Clausewitz, "the continuation of the policy by other means," and the clarification is necessary here and now and in a sharp tone.

One must hope that the government does not intend to establish Gush Katif again, and in any case such a step will be thwarted by Biden. Israel should propose administering the Gaza Strip for a decision between Egypt and a body to be established by Arab League countries under Saudi influence, or to rehabilitate the rule of the Palestinian Authority. An obvious step.

But Netanyahu's concept hovers over Gaza's saltwaters. He and his ministers did not abandon the concept of splitting the Palestinians in two. This is serious trouble for the day after the ceasefire.

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