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Opinion | It's time for a change in the narrative: the era of defeatism is over | Israel Hayom

10/19/2023, 8:25:41 AM

Highlights: The battle for the narrative is no less critical than the elimination of the Nazis, writes Moshe Ben-Simhon. The role of the new media is to change the defeatist narrative that has led to harm to us, he says. The era when we forget where we came from and where we are going is over, he adds. The war in Gaza is not only Israel's. It is a war under the clear title "Never Again," Ben- simhon writes. Those who rise up against us to destroy us will be destroyed, he writes.

The role of the new media is to change the defeatist narrative that led to harm to us 9 To win this war, we must erase the defeatist character we have adopted 9 Whether "Iron Swords" will become the first and last Gaza war depends on the narrative, the message; Do we give in to mourning and Nahi – or glorify heroism and the quest for victory?

We are currently at a historic point in the history of the State of Israel. Not only the destruction of Hamas, not only revenge for the deaths of more than 1,400 of our citizens and fighters, but also the way the image of the state will look.

National Security Council head Tzachi Hanegbi: "Countless people will have to do some soul-searching" // Moshe Ben-Simhon

The battle for the narrative is no less critical than the elimination of the Nazis who sought to kill, exterminate and lose every Jew. The role of the new media is to change the defeatist narrative that has led to harm to us.

Every year we fought the Yom Kippur War, in which we won decisively against all odds and despite the losses. This was joined by the destructive concept of "the child of us all"; Every soldier has become a whole world – something amazing and positive on an individual level, but destructive on a national level, because it has torn our ability to defend ourselves.

"The child of us all." Gilad Shalit, Photo: AP

For decades we have sanctified the concepts of "peace" and "the end of wars," ignoring the murderous enemy on our borders. We built fences, trenches, electronic and technological means, whose sole purpose is to turn ourselves into an island of normalcy, but we ignored the sharks with legs planning to murder us. Instead of fighting for Gush Katif, we fled and told ourselves it would be okay. Instead of defeating the enemy, we put him up.

The war in Gaza is not only Israel's. It is a war under the clear title "Never Again." And the world understands that. That is why all heads of state support us, without "but" and without "maybe." Those who rise up against us to destroy us will be destroyed. The free world must win this war against the axis of evil. This is our duty to ourselves, this is our duty to the world.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak stands with Israel: "The people of Israel live" // Israel Hayom\ News

But there are those in the media who do not understand this, and do not change the nature of their conduct. For hours and hours, over days, they usually broadcast only stories of bereavement and pain, reviving the grief that took place but forgetting our central and critical mission – to defeat and defeat the enemy in order to survive and revive Israel.

Glorify heroism

To win this war, we must erase the last 50 years. Not the memory of the fighters who sacrificed their lives, of course, but the defeatist character we adopted. The era of defeatism is over. The era when we forget where we came from and where we are going is over. 75 years after the establishment of the state, we are still in danger of annihilation. Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas and other terrorist groups are asking for our lives. Slaughter our babies, rape women and dissect men's bodies. This is reality, this is truth, and this is what we must defend ourselves against.

Nasrallah with the Iranian foreign minister, photo: Arab networks

This is not ignoring the omission - quite the opposite. Immediately after the war, everything must be done to remove Netanyahu from power, since he is responsible for no small part of this defeatism. Even the commanders of the past, Gantz, Eisenkot and others, cannot be our leaders, because they suffer from the same wrong conception. In their place we will put worthy people who will march us forward instead of trying to avoid war in every way – even when it means a very difficult war at the end of the road. The heads of the army, headed by the chief of staff and the head of military intelligence, must also go.

The importance of the media now, at a time when the luminaries of the country's governing bodies are eclipsed, is critical. Whether Iron Swords will become the first and last Gaza war depends on the narrative, the message. Do we give in to mourning and Nahi – or glorify heroism and the quest for victory?

IDF soldiers and forces in the south, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

We are now realizing the vision of our Zionist forefathers. They fought fever, Arab gangs and Arab armies against all odds. Many of them died, but the victory was theirs - ours. The Simchat Torah war, the war of no choice in an age when we made the mistake of dreaming that there would be no more wars, can be a great victory over an evil that has no end – or an opening for more years of pipe dreams, at the end of which we will find ourselves in the same place.

We must not let the second option happen. That's the mission – and that's what we have to win.

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