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Achieving the goals requires: Israel will launch a ground operation in the Gaza Strip - the question of how and when | Israel Hayom

10/25/2023, 1:10:26 PM

Highlights: Achieving the goals requires: Israel will launch a ground operation in the Gaza Strip - the question of how and when. Many Israelis wonder why Israel has not yet attacked as it promised in Gaza and why it is not acting to remove the threat on our northern border – from Lebanon. Despite the expectation of the elimination of Hamas, the political echelon is delaying the implementation of the plan. There are a number of limitations that make the army have to wait. The first is related to American support, the second is fear for the soldiers' lives.

Despite the expectation of the elimination of Hamas, and despite the fact that more than 300,<> soldiers in both sectors are on constant alert, the political echelon is delaying the implementation of the plan • There are a number of limitations that make the army have to wait • The first is related to American support, the second is fear for the soldiers' lives

Many Israelis, servants and on the home front, wonder why Israel has not yet attacked as it promised in Gaza and why it is not acting to remove the threat on our northern border – from Lebanon. While more than 300,<> soldiers in both sectors are on constant alert, the political echelon is delaying the implementation of the plans.

Documentation from the training of reserve division battalions // IDF Spokesperson

The American limitation: The advisers from the United States, who arrived here after the US president and secretary of state themselves participated in the small war cabinet, carry in their mouths two messages that also leak religiously to the media – one concerns a dedicated ground operation, that is, a plan of raids and return to Israeli territory and at the same time the continued crushing of targets from the air.

The same advisers also recommend that the political echelon act like the United States at the time in Iraq, in such a way that round-trip operations will end only on Passover, and unlike the Americans in Iraq, Israelis in the Gaza envelope have a home they need to return to. At the same time, we must also mention the economic cost of large areas of the country that is under threat of war.

Weizmann said in 1973 that the air support train from the United States eventually became a "noose." Despite denials from today's statesmen, there are more and more signs that the price Israel is paying for American support is sandaling its war plans.

A war with American tools, as noted, will end only for many more months, will not create a picture of victory and may return the threat to our border to its first dimensions within a few years.

Fear for soldiers' lives: A ground operation in booby-trapped and tunnel-ridden Gaza is expected to exact an additional price in blood from Israel. These are the assessments heard in the cabinet, and this is partly the reason for the postponement of this action over the past few days. In this way, Netanyahu also managed the operations in Gaza over the past decade – fear for the soldiers' lives led to a minority of casualties then, when the residents of the envelope paid at a time when the threat of Hamas was organizing at their doorstep. Even now, the fear for soldiers' lives, assuming that ground operations will cost lives, is what guides the cabinet.

Shaldag Unit fighters at a combat center near the Gaza Strip, photo: IDF Spokesperson

But we must honestly admit that without being prepared for the sacrifices, we will no longer be able to stay in this country. Without exacting a high price from Hamas, the residents of the envelope will not be able to return to live safely in the kibbutzim and cities.

A veteran commander even says these days that even in past operations very high estimates were given regarding loss of life in the event of a ground maneuver - never, thank God, did these estimates meet reality, and every person killed in battle is a world to his family and friends. The question is again about the ultimate goal – eliminating the threat from the Gaza Strip and the ability to realize it without engaging in long and persistent ground maneuvers.

Armament: Israel demanded and received from the United States a promise to arm and fill the stockpiles for the fight against Hamas. This promise comes against the backdrop of our previous reports in Israel Hayom that the US has depleted its arsenals for the war in Ukraine. In anticipation of ongoing ground fighting in Gaza, and perhaps in Lebanon as well, Israel will be required to supply existing munitions on its soil.

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