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Pope calls for a ceasefire in Gaza

10/29/2023, 11:58:22 AM

Highlights: Pope calls for a ceasefire in Gaza. During his Angelus address to the faithful in St Peter's Square, the pontiff invited people to "continue praying for the terriblesituation in Israel and Palestine" "War is always a defeat,always. May nobody ever give up the hope of laying aside all weapons," the pope said in his address to Catholics in St. Peter’s Square on Sunday. The pope also asked for humanitarian aid be allowed to enter the enclave and for Hamas to release the hostages.

Pope Francis on Sunday reiterated his call for a ceasefire in Gaza and asked for humanitarian aid be allowed to enter the enclave and for Hamas to release the hostages in took in the October 7 attacks on Israel. © ANSA

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 29 - Pope Francis on Sunday reiterated hiscall for a ceasefire in Gaza and asked for humanitarian aid beallowed to enter the enclave and for Hamas to release thehostages in took in the October 7 attacks on Israel.
   During his Angelus address to the faithful in St Peter's Square,the pontiff invited people to "continue praying for the terriblesituation in Israel and Palestine.
   "Cease the fire," the pope said. "War is always a defeat,always.
   "May nobody ever give up the hope of laying aside all weapons".

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