The Limited Times

Paris: Police open fire on a woman, fully veiled, glorifying terrorism

10/31/2023, 9:31:59 AM

Highlights: Paris: Police open fire on a woman, fully veiled, glorifying terrorism. The incident took place at the Bibliothèque François Mitterrand station on Tuesday morning. The alert came from a user of a transport train who reported the behaviour of a woman who was making threats. But it does not respect the orders of the police. Fearing for their safety, the officers were forced to use their weapons. The woman was isolated at the same time as the station was evacuated.

The incident took place at the Bibliothèque François Mitterrand station on Tuesday morning.

On Tuesday morning in Paris, police opened fire on a fully veiled woman who was making threatening remarks and glorifying terrorism, Le Figaro learned from a police source, confirming information from BFMTV.

Our source tells us that the alert came from a user of a transport train who reported the behaviour of a woman who was making threats. The police intervened at the Bibliothèque François Mitterrand station, evacuated at the same time and isolated the woman. But it does not respect the orders of the police. Fearing for their safety, the officers were forced to use their weapons.

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