The Limited Times

Displacement of the disabled: an action plan to correct the dysfunctions of the Ile-de-France WFP

11/10/2023, 6:32:13 PM

Highlights: On-demand transport service for people with disabilities is going through a period of regionalisation. Trips cancelled at the last minute, journeys unduly invoiced, non-compliance with announced schedules. Dozens of beneficiaries of the To Help with Mobility (PAM) transport service have been denouncing serious problems for months. Faced with these malfunctions, Valérie Pécresse, the president of Île-de-France Mobilités (IDFM), and Keolis officials presented this Friday their measures to correct the shot.

The on-demand transport service for people with disabilities is going through a period of regionalisation marked by many problems.

Trips cancelled at the last minute, journeys unduly invoiced, non-compliance with announced schedules... Dozens of beneficiaries of the To Help with Mobility (PAM) transport service have been denouncing serious problems for months. Faced with these malfunctions, Valérie Pécresse, the president of Île-de-France Mobilités (IDFM), and Keolis officials presented this Friday their measures to correct the shot.

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