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The Consolation of the Meatball: Yossi Shitrit's Kobe Recipe in a Hamin Pot | Israel Hayom

11/16/2023, 9:26:58 AM

Highlights: The Consolation of the Meatball: Yossi Shitrit's Kobe Recipe in a Hamin Pot. The hamin stew and Kobe meatballs are ingenious inventions, each individually, and certainly when they are together. Even if you've never made hamin or kobe, you'll be able to make this combination recipe. If you do all the preparations step by step, you will get a delicacy that no one will not enjoy. This recipe can also be great for celiac patients or Passover, because it has no flour.

In difficult times, food is also food for the soul • And what food is more suitable than stuffed cube patties cooked in a pot of hamin? • Get a recipe to help you last

In these troubled days, food is food not only for the body, but also for the aching soul, and provides an opportunity to find comfort in family gatherings and in foods that give us familiar feelings of security and calm.

The hamin stew and Kobe meatballs are ingenious inventions, each individually, and certainly when they are together. And even if you've never made hamin or kobe, you'll be able to make this combination recipe. True, it requires work and patience, but if you do all the preparations step by step, you will get a delicacy that no one will not enjoy. This recipe can also be great for celiac patients or Passover, because it has no flour. The meat can also be converted into mushrooms or another vegetable, and thus the entire dish becomes vegetarian.

Above the pot. A source of calm and confidence, photo: Assaf Carla

It's true that chamin is considered a winter food intended for rainy Saturdays, but during difficult times like this week, I feel like comfort food for Shabbat. And honestly, there is no one who will refuse to eat delicious meatballs from a large pot. And if Shabbat here is still autumn and a little warm, you can always take comfort in another ingenious invention - the air conditioner.

Kobe rice in Hamin

After a night in the oven. Don't forget the garlic, photo: Assaf Carla


√ 2 sharks cut into three and sliced laterally

Chewing the rice:

√ 1/2 kg Persian rice (pre-soak for 3 hours)

√ 1/2 kg chicken breast cut into cubes

How to prepare the rice pulp:

1. Grind the chicken breast with the marinated rice and let the paste rest for at least half an hour.

2. For the success of the pulp it is important to finely grind the rice and chicken, even twice.

3. Compared to the dough, here it is advisable that the meat be coarsely ground so that it remains juicy.

Ingredients for the meat filling:

√ 2 large onions, finely chopped

√ 1/2 kg ground beef

√ 1 celery stalk with the leaves, chopped

√ handful of chopped parsley

√ salt, pepper

Photo: Assaf Carla,

How to prepare the filling:

1. Fry the onion with a little oil.

2. When the onion boils, pour it over the minced meat.

3. Mix well with all other ingredients.

Ingredients for the sauce:

√ 3 onions, finely chopped

√ 3 stalks of celery with the leaves, coarsely cut

√ 1/2 liter of water

√ 1 cup soaked white beans

√ 4 halved potatoes

√ 1 tablespoon paprika

√ 1 head of garlic

√ salt, pepper

How to prepare the sauce:

1. Fry the onion in a saucepan.

2. After it is golden, add all the other ingredients and bring to a boil.

3. After boiling, lower the heat.

Photo: Assaf Carla,

How to assemble the dish:

1. It is important to work with wet or oiled hands.

2. Cut a ball from the rice pulp and flatten on the palm pad.

3. Take from the filling, put in the center of the rice disc and close.

4. Roll and fasten to a perfect ball. Continue like this until the materials are finished.

5. Put the Kobe patties in the sauce pot and cook for half an hour on a small flame.

6. Place the leeks on top, cover and put in the oven at 120ºC for a whole night.

Note: if a large amount of cubes came out - don't worry. They keep great in the freezer too. It is important to keep them in one layer so as not to ruin their shape. About an hour before serving, thaw the patties.

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